alexguinea - Permanent Ban Appeal

alexguinea - Permanent Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Simon Mcshain

Type of Ban?

Permanent Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

I have not really played SS13 in a while but I have played on TG station and Goon station.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

CM (a few times and now), Goon (a few times and a permanent ban on their RP servers, and TG (a 2 day ban)

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Links to previous appeals:

AlexGuinea - Job/Role Ban Appeal Alexguinea - Job/Role Ban Appeal - #3 by Taketheshot56 alexguinea - Job/Role Ban Appeal - #3 by MrMoon

Your appeal:

I would like to state first my intention. I was intending to act as a relations person as an activity of the round. This was after I was looking for equipment in req and found patches and UPP equipment. Then I made a fax - the exact contents are lost to time since it has been about 2 months - which said something along the lines of, “UPP things are on the ship. I will give them to you”.

Secondly I would like to make a difference between IC dumb and OOC dumb. OOCly I was a bit fast to go into this task but as there was really nothing else except faxing WY the operation reports and running around, I chose this. Then ICly I was dumb because I did not clear this with the commander beforehand thus resulting in confusion.

My third point is lack of communication. I had received no ahelp during that round or LOOC message from the provost that came that I was to stop. Even after the round I received nothing and so the day went - I think I went away from the game for a day or two - then I came back to this ban message.

My fourth point is what was happening behind the scenes. In admin chat, discord, or individual though; what lead to the decision to ban? Did you look carefully over the round? Did you only get part of it? Did you only see my execution message? Mainly why did you think I was forcing this onto people?

Fifth point being response of characters. The first confrontation of the round was me and the MPs in the morgue where I was trying to find the bodies of the UPP survs. I was asking around and then I went AFK for helping my mom with something then I came back to the MPs coming in. We talked for a few minutes and I clarified that I was trying to pass on the UPP bodies and things to the UPP. I forget what the believed charges were and what they were in reality but I do think they were different. I them am arrested without it being stated and I either don’t resist or move slightly. Then the higher ups come in and take me away. It seems what command were thinking was that I was trying to help the UPP by taking ship gear off or something (I don’t really remember it clearly as it has been 2 months). Later the provost come and as the enforcer is talking to someone else I ask for an appeal - I did not know they were there for me - I then am taking into perma because of the other provost’s orders. I also ask in LOOC if I had done something wrong and I am told no or at least some interpretation of that. Later the main provost officer says I am committing sedation by my faxes (they were worded poorly I admit) and that I was giving secrets to the UPP. After I am taken away to the response station I am tortured and then executed. I would like to state again in no place in the round was I told to stop or notified that I was going to be banned or breaking a rule.

Point six is was I forcing the RP onto others? I simply did some faxes and took some things which would only amount to a theft charge and maybe sedition if the commander is feeling extreme. Only did it become big when provost came in and elevated the charges and executed me. And with the MPs that arrested me I calmly stated my points and did not try to attack or run away creating more work for something minor.

Point seven. Was I being LRP? I can only think the sudden change to a round goal would be slight LRP. Only would it be of real concern if we were on a HRP server where you have to build up characters or provide pages of backstory to just suddenly want to do something. I would also like to note that in the faxes, to myself (IE. no one around), and to others I was not saying I was with the UPP or doing any sort of “hail UPP” or code word stuff.

Point eight. I am not the logs. Please check the logs and post them on here and take in feedback please. I noticed in writing this that I missed some stuff but I can just put that in down below since it is less formatted but it has the information closer to when it happened. Also if people want to comment feel free and staff, don’t lock this if it is just some messages. If there are a lot of replies then just delete them instead of locking the thread.

Note. I will post pictures and information in a reply below since I can’t get it all on here. I would also like to note that I have been playing on a HRP Gmod server ( and have recently got a position in their creative team (event people). I would like to ask if I can use them for a vouch.


This is the first message sent to Frozentsbgg on discord.


And this is the execution announcement.
And lastly the round ID 23367

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting
