Hello there fellow gamers! Have you ever played survivor? Have you encountered the problem of having too few gamers in your gamer hold on LV-624, only to discover a single or MULTIPLE bush\locker hiding survivors? Are you TIRED of those people stealing your epic rare quality loot only to kill a few PVTs with it, then get stripped naked and sent shipside to sit in permabrig?? Have you ever felt the need to unleash God’s Righteous Fury upon finding them while alive, but being unable because survivors cant hurt other survivors??? I know we’ve all been in this situation, and it’s only becoming more and more frequent…
I may have a solution… Allow survs to hunt down lockerhider survivors, then demand they give up all their belongings, including the locker they hid in, in exchange for letting them live. Sounds fair, right? I get your stuff that helps me survives, while you get your life you want! But… What if… it may sound absurd, but what if someone REFUSES your god-given right to the loot they have? We must be allowed to perform a quick-time-event on those sinners, in which we take out our shotgun, hold it in two hands and then clicking their sprite point-blank, killing them instantly and delivering Justice.
I know, I know, this MAY sound a bit too harsh. But what would a real human do in this situation, where your life is on the line and you may very well end up on a wall in a slimy cave where you will be forcefully infected with some parasite that will kill you most certainly, while some guy took all the guns and hid with them in a locker? That’s right, you would take the guns by force. This also may cut down the xenomorph population, due to denying the capture of the lockerhider, thus you are doing everyone a favor! We have COs with BEs, teamkilling their fellow marines after they say “Skibidi Rizz in Ohio”, and Queens banishing half of the hive when they DARE question her imperial majesty on why would she banish a lesser drone after it said “Queen where egg, why you slow?”, why cant SURVIVORS get the same tools??? This is all just absurd, the xenodevs have ruined survivors forever by protecting lockerhiders(Xenofeeders) and not allowing them to just play as xenocultists as they want to(Xenocult survivors were SUPPOSED to happen but nobody did them and then they were forgotten).
In conclusion, the CM has fallen - Billions must become prime warriors and lunge baldies around corners…