Allow marines to shoot while tackled

I think it’s kind of dumb that marines tacklespammed can’t do anything but talk and emote.

Let them fire their guns to their hearts content while being dragged halfway across the map with a 90% accuracy penalty or something.

• Buffs frontline hive nodes with eggs and carriers.
• Cinematic - marine dragged off by woyer kicking screaming and shooting
• Funny
• Increased hugger casualties by stray very-low accuracy bullets
• Increased hugger casualties by stray very-low accuracy bullets

For obvious reasons not worky for grenades and flamers.



To be honest I had this thought as a potential way to give utility to handguns; if you could pull out a pistol and fire it while prone on the ground it would be a huge bump in the usefulness of them.

But I’m not sure if it’s what would really be fun; lurkers would get magdumped every time they pounced someone, and the M4A3 with HP rounds I’m pretty sure can do damage fast enough to outright kill a lurker before it can move off you, and if you can’t reliably hit them and deal damage then what’s even the point of bothering with it?


The M39 arm brace allows shooting while down (if it’s activated) and basically prevents you from dropping the gun, possible that it also allows shooting when tackled, and probaly you can even do funny tactical reloads while down. As is intended for not wielding, you can even dual-wield the M39 with it. I once tested it and the problem is: you basically spray around wildly while killing the marine behind you trying to save you, but require a good bunch of luck in order to deal like any severe damage to the benos.

make that with secondaries and really short weapons. And also make any guns bigger than the limit fly off your hand when you fire them. Like there is no way to fire a M4RA while on the ground with the only means of resisting the kick being your wrist.

The idea sounds good until every marine is now carrying a hollowpoint loaded M4A3, who will then magdump the first poor Lurker or Runner to knock them down

Eh, how do you expect the marines to hold guns, “resisting the kick with their wrists”? As long as the beno hasn’t slashed your shoulder off, you should be able to hold the gun like a normal person even when on the ground.

Most guns produce a recoil when fired. The bigger the calibre the more the powder or the more powerful. Either way the recoil increases significantly. Pistols can be fired with one hand and even some small guns like say short shotties. But to fire an assault rifle or a sniper with one hand while laying on the floor is impossible. You need more than just your wrist to keep it from flying from your hand. Also there is no normal person firing 10mm guns on one hand while on the floor.

We can add that if a marine has a gun in their hand while knocked down, xenos can disarm them to drop their gun. Maybe make it so that you can’t pickup stuff while knocked down.

That’s why most guns have a stock? I can’t see a way to fire the gun upwards without using the stock like intended?

I’ve just tested it- No, the M39 arm brace does NOT let you shoot when tackled.
However, the funny shooting while on the floor, crawling is actually well… fairly accurate, even when not sprite clicking? I mean, sprite clicking certainly works as usual. Granted, I did have a reflex and laser on…

Still though, M39 arm brace crawling is funny as fuck.

To fire any gun you need to shift your weight forward to counter for the recoil, same with keeping balance. You need to at least sit upright to use a long gun properly and there’s no in-between in cm. You either up or down. And when a runner tackles you you are down which means back against the floor. From that position you cannot put the stock on your shoulder since you have an alien on your ass trynna take off your feet and hands. While on the floor you only have the force of your wrist and the weight of your arm to counter the recoil and for long guns it is just not enough.

Whut? Why do you need to put the stock on your shoulder to PB fire a long gun?

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So you don’t break your fingers or the rifle doesn’t smack into you and bruise you, aswell as comfortability

Nvm I read that wrong, but I’m guessing it’s to soften the blow from the recoil to your body

I can easily fire my AR-15 Pistol (chambered in 5.56, the same as my rifles) without shouldering it. As the ATF expects. Not as accurate obviously.

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time to stack 30 marines in one tile prone to magdump a stray curious xeno in a tenth of a second

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As someone who’s used the arm brace, yes, it does allow to shoot while downed. But for less than a second…

also if you are being pinned by a lurker good look hitting them with a longer barreled weapon, it’ll just collide with their shoulder and any rounds fired will go past the bug, try turning a large longarm on a dime with just your wrist until it’s sideways facing the bug and pull the trigger, you wont have a radius anymore.

Oh no, the lurker got hit by 2 additional bullets and the marine lost his whole mag of ammo, the horror!

I like this idea.

You can empty a M4A3 in about 1 second give or take how fast you click. If you dump a full mag of hollowpoint, you’ve just gibbed the Runner and you’ve left the Lurker in a very precarious position.