Allow researchers to print incinerator units

Obviously researchers will never print them currently due to how OP credit disks are, but once the contract system gets merged I think it would be a good addition. Researcher weapons simply can’t compete with stims, since they’re prohibitively expensive. By the time research makes a good gas or flame chem, most of the incen units are probably melted or in the hands of capped marines. Trying to convince req to buy some is like pulling teeth, because flamers are almost as expensive as spec ammo, who you’re always competing with. Even if req caves, you’re only gonna get a measly 2 flamers from them. The cost of the researcher units doesn’t need to be super cheap, but it’d be nice if you could at least make enough to equip 1-3 marines of each squad.


Research aint REQ 2.0


Two words spray bottles.

i mean its not great and it doesn’t work for fire but still there are ways to hook the ungas up with anti xeno chems.

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I mean it kinda is though? People come to the research service desk for all sorts of supplies. Research even supplies ordnance chems to the OT, just like req does, so there’s already a bit of overlap. I get that it does feel a bit off for research to dispense standard incinerators though. Maybe they could have their own “Chem Thrower” variant. (With its own unique sprite) which is only compatible with the custom chemicals made in research? That way it wouldn’t seem out of place coming from the research desk.

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Actually, spray bottles can set people on fire if the property levels are high enough. (See CLF3). I dunno, I just felt spray bottles were a bit silly and kinda useless. They only spray 3 tiles out max, deposit a measly 1.5u of chems, plus they feel like you’re using a domestic pesticide bottle.


It isnt. The broken state of research, doesnt reflect research intended place in game.
Just because its already broken, doesnt excuse you to break it even further.

Besides, getting req to order extra flamers is such a non issue it be redutand to have research print them. Main thing that would do is take funds away from actual usefull stuff REQ cant buy.
Cause fun fact, half of the flamers sit in FOB unused (Go and check the weapon kit pile at FOB regularly if you want fancy guns. Yes, thats a thing.)

That and because of things like pop scaling, and the fact that Specs are usually dead halfway into a round. Meaning REQ can buy fun stuff + metal. Legit, Specs dying fast is so common REQ usually only orders extra ammo for them a while after drop. Its generally a waste of money to buy spec ammo too soon. So hearing you say “REQ cant buy anything because spec ammo” is very silly.
Now, “REQ cant buy anything because metal” now thats actuall something that would stop req from buying flamers… sometimes. Often RO are pretty funky with what they buy.


On that one more thing.
We have some unused fun things sitting in the repo, for the medical/research department.
Like a sprayergun/squirtgun and a pill gun.
Wich could be relativly easily changed into actual usabel tools (spray gun) and not so OP stuff (pill gun. Its a syring gun with no syringes. Also it doesnt accept pill bottles as mags for some reason. Big oversigth)

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Honestly pill/syringe guns won’t see much use by the medbay since they need injectors with large capacity and the regent pouch has that covered. Research on the other hand could use them more since they deal with smaller amounts of chems overall. If you added a suction mode for the syringe gun you’d have me sold.

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Didn’t this turn out to be usable by scouts while cloaked and someone ran around spraying xenos on fire

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Ah, the pill gun dont need injectors though. It uses normal pills as ammo and thats it. No needles needed.
Main problem it has you have to load the pills one by one. Now, if you could just slap a pill bottle on it as a magazin then it would be quite the funny gun.
Reworking it into a functional and fun state has been at the bottom of my work list for a looong while now. So dont think i migth do it any time soon. Got more… time consuming projects. Oy vey…

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