Discord Ban Appeal - Allstar4469
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Total Ban Duration
Reason for Ban
You have been banned from SS13: Colonial Marines - Official.
Bigot, got mad about the rainbow server icon, and THEN edited out the trans server icon!!! Unbelievable.
To the first point of the ban reason, I had the audacity to ask when the server logo would return to default CM from the pride month logo, and then responded honestly and courteously when pressed on why I asked- I wasn’t “mad” as Grim suggests. I did not violate Discord or CM rules regarding bigotry, and I have never spoken or behaved disparagingly against a community member based on their gender, sexuality, race or religion.
To the second point of my ban reason, I did not edit out the server icon, which is not possible on discord, but simply posted a screenshot of the changed icon as it appeared (not loaded) on my phone.
I personally offended the discord manager by asking about the server icon skin (who responded to me that it was being left to make people who didn’t like it mad), and then was permanently banned from the discord server for a contrived reason. I did attempt to submit a staff report regarding this, but was ignored, so eh. The downside to being banned from discord for 6+ months is the lack of round start alerts and event notifications.