Alonsious - Job/Role Ban Appeal

Alonsious - Job/Role Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Alonso “El Gordo” Castro

Type of Ban?

Job/Role Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

Remaining Duration

What other servers do you play on?

i only play the one true server CMSS13

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Never, i only play CM

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Banned from Ordnance Technician - Rule 2: frontlining as OT with recent heavy warning for frontlining as doctor by moonshanks (Admin) on 2023-05-16 19:10:56

Links to previous appeals:

this is my first appeal

Your appeal:

At the time i was very new to the concept of SS13 and didn’t really pay attention to the whole RP aspect of it. And for months it was just a shot xenos game for me, I also never bothered to read the rules. No excuse there just that it was a problem playing without rules besides the ones the admins told me about. So went Alonsious on a rebellious streak. Fueled by the novelty rush once i realized there were other roles to play besides marine. Sadly i went and did some oopsies using some important roles but i went to far with OT. I realized i could make grenades C4, mortar shells, Rocket ammo almost anything that can go boom was mine to make. And i was not ready for that power, so i flew too close to the sun. I made myself an improvised grenadier Spec, with unlimited ammo and with unmatched baldness i terrorized marines and xenos alike. At the end i wasn’t even that helpful, and honestly the ground was no place for OT. i would have done much better remaining shipside making devices of mass destruction for the Ungas. Once i was banished by the flaming hammer of moonshanks (i also got a scare of losing CMO, that helped a lot). I went on a journey of change, a pilgrimage of self-growth. And so i tried to play better (in a roleplay manner of course, i still have 150ms) with my fate accepted there was no choice other than to bring some good from my misguided deeds, playing it gave a lot of sympathy for any OT so i compromised to never let them without their chems. While being a doctor, researcher or CMO i was there for them always giving a helping hand. It was my way of repenting and keeping the big booms coming. I felt kinda guilty so it took me a while to even entertain the Idea of asking for the role back.
But this year i went to the OT to ask for a couple of nades and it brought a little tiny very masculine tear to my cheek. Nostalgia is a mean beach when she can get a hold of you. I would love to once again walk upon the sacred Big Boom workshop as an Ordnance Technician. This time as a humble artisan of fire and booms shipside bringing joy to the specs and ungas that come my way. Forever renouncing the idea of being an avatar of fire death and explosions groundside, for the better of this server.

So… I wanna OT again, with your blessings of course

Trivial in your minds perhaps, for me it would mean a great deal

I will enjoy the game regardless, I give my thanks to the mentor and admin that directed me to the forum.
See ya later dudes

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Hi, given that it has been over a year since you were banned from OT and the lack of anything else that indicates you’re going to repeat what you did, I’m going to accept the appeal.

I’ll lift the job-ban soon, and I hope you enjoy the role.