Alternative Yautja Map Insertion

This thread is inspired by a combination of the upcoming Predator ship design overhaul, and some discussions held by other players.

Currently, Predators enter the ground map and the Almayer via teleportation, a very gimmicky and lore breaking concept. The basic change here is that now Predators must travel to both locations via a physical craft of some kind, instead of magically teleporting.

Predators start the game onboard their mothership. The mothership will contain three new kinds of amenities.

  1. A small amount of single-use orbital Drop Pods: These will allow a Predator to exit the ship and land somewhere on the planet, these pods are single-use and can not be recovered.
  2. A ā€˜Falcon Droneā€™ launcher: A asset that allows a Predator to launch a remote-controlled Falcon Drone to the planet, this will allow shipside Predators to directly perform recon of the planet to help in finding a landing area.
  3. A single small sized Yautja spacecraft attached to the mothership in a hanger: The ship can only land on a designated landing zone.

In order for Yautja to safely return to the mothercraft, they require a special landing zone be setup that will allow the small Yautja spacecraft to land and take off. This landing zone should be designated by any Predator on the planet, once constructed/designated the landing zone location is permanent.

The initial game loop will start with Predators spawning in. The players will conduct their pre-round setup, picking gear, talking with other Predators, banter, dissing the other clans.

Once ready, the players can use their Falcon drones to assist in safely performing reconnaissance of the planet to help in finding a landing zone.

When ready, the Predators may board a Drop Pod and land on the planet. The Drop Pods should either land somewhere at random on the planet, or they function like a teleporter with a pre-set list of landing locations being available.

Once a Landing Zone is set, the Predators have a responsibility to ensure the landing zone is fortified to an acceptable degree. However, once the landing zone is set, it is now possible for any Predator to remotely pilot the Yautja Spacecraft to transit between the planet and the mothership.

The possibility of a Landing Zone being able to be disabled by Xenomorphs or Marines can then be considered, though Iā€™d set it that a warning is given and the landing zone has to be occupied for a time.

When it comes to the Almayer. Predators can direct their shuttle craft to launch at the Almayer at any point. Easiest path would be that the shuttle can dock at any of the external airlocks (the unused engineering ones for example). The harder path is the shuttle can crash into the Almayer akin to Hijack (but less destructive). Considering this is meant as an assault on the Almayer, it should have some dramatic flair.

What is the effect of these changes?

  1. There is a far more tangible presence of the Predators on a map, they have to establish a proper ground presence to facilitate the safe transfer of themselves from the planet to the mothership.
  2. Incentive for creative Predator Lodge setups.
  3. Removes the magical/non-canon system of teleportation, it also makes it harder for a Predator to withdraw back to their mothership at will, thus they either have to risk themselves more on the planet to recover, or make a trek back to their lodge, with the amount of effort they put into fortifying the lodge being their only safety net.
  4. Xenomorphs and Marines have a mechanical way to eliminate the ability for Predators to operate on the planet. The elimination of a Predator Lodge would likely put a stop to the safe arrival of further Predators (barring mechanics to allow preds to re-build a landing zone or re-establish control over one that was lost).

Putting aside the effort required to make this system, I foresee one possible drawback is that this system might result in the loss of some of the sandbox nature of the Predator gameplay loop, as Predators will be forced, in some capacity, to build a Lodge, and that there will be an ability for the Marines or Xenomorphs to physically prevent them from leaving the planet.


Itā€™s a good idea Iā€™m in support of, but the advantage of having a predator relay beacon to teleport around and set locations is the prevention of metagame. Wouldnā€™t metagaming (that you canā€™t prove, to clarify) be a bigger issue with these changes?


The fact Predators can pick any area on the map to be a lodge should cut down on some metagaming issues. Further changes could be made to make attacking a Lodge a fairly hard affair, such as adding Predator Sentry Guns (like the ones from the AvP RTS game) or stronger defensive walls, so that three xenos canā€™t just hunt for a lodge and destroy it.

This can also be addressed by Predators having some ability to quickly build some core Lodge buildings, so they donā€™t have to spend a huge amount of time making the core buildings.


Sounds cool, would not be super feasible on smaller maps/maps with less ā€œfree spaceā€ such as say Chances Claim.

Ignoring the above comment statement:

-Add fixed positional defences for Preds to secure the Landing Zone that make disabling the landing zone at least require some co-ordinated effort - The Defence Shrines from AvP: Extinction?

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Of course.

This would definitely make it less frustrating.

I think in AvP movie fashion, deadlier traps should be added, though the balance implications of that and how frustrating it would be on the receiving side would be a whole other can of worms.
I am not too worried about xeno sieges, those are typical far and few inbetween: my bigger concern would be that, for example, a marine would die once, orbit around the map, find it, and without any traceable evidence move to the lodge, call it out, and get a marine force to siege it, or just call fire support on it near immediately - and even with the addition of ceilings to block fire support, it would still be quite a bother to know that the marines know youā€™re there, what with how secretive and stealthy predators aim to be, and with marines able to just patrol outside constantly until they come out, a problem that was lesser in lodges as you had other places to teleport to.

Furthermore, I think adding a small spacecraft and the necessity of a larger lodge to actually base in might negatively impact the round flow by taking up tiles marines and xenos can fight in.

Still, Iā€™m open to have my mind changed, and arguably the predator council can make changes to amend for these shortcomings if they wish to do so, so take it all with a grain of salt.


That is a good point I forgot to mention. Small maps like 624 or Kutjevo present a challenge, as Lodges are very hard to place in a out of the way area.

The only solution I can think of on the top of my head, is to add a nightmare insert that triggers for predator rounds to add a more expanded and out of the way area for a pre-made Predator Lodge.

I think we can work around this. The Predator ship does not need to be very large, it could literally be a small ship of 3x6 tiles or something akin, or even something like a single-seater vehicle. With a small ship size, we can have very compact Lodges.


@Steelpoint Fantastic idea. I love it. This has a lot of potential. Canā€™t wait to see how it develops.

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if you can prevent this from being metagamed to hell by xenos covering it in 7 layers of walls, that would be peak

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its a cool idea but this is closer to dream rather than something that could be actually done

the main reason being that a lot of maps wont be able to support this idea
also a lot of things will have to be tweaked since predators relay too much on the beacon teleporter


Basically all maps have big indestructable wall sections that could be carved either by ā€œnightmareā€ system, or by preds themselfs for a landing spot (remember AVP laser digging a hole?).
Every single map can support that. Lodges then could have a ā€œladderā€ to transport you to the place where pred shuttle is, so lodge itself can still be created just about anywhere preds find it a good spot.

The point of any single non-event round for both major factions is never to repel preds from planet, so what is the problem here?

If xenos, or marines try to game the location too hard, you can release preds from the leash for a bit to teach them a lesson. That could even be excuse to finally add military preds.

Preds rely too much on the beacon teleporter and that is a crutch that Steelpoint rightfully wants to remove.

Why would marines, or xenos want to do it? Unless they are winning hard and want to squeeze that steamroll round for additional vs pred combat, nobody in their right mind would do it. Unless it gives like guaranteed Abom, or marine equivalent, so it works like a map objective (or in Warcraft/DOTA/LOL terminology a ā€œcreepā€).

Preds are still antagonists to both factions, being able to eliminate their ability to safely operate on the planet feels like a valid goal to achieve.

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But they are literally OOC not allowed to do much to each faction, unless said faction starts the fight on a bigger scale.

Eliminating those antagonists means directing resources to fighting them, while other faction doesnā€™t and will kill you, unless you were already winning.

Preds arenā€™t really any threat, especially to xenos.

If anyoneā€™s wondering the progress of the Yaujta ship, hereā€™s what Iā€™ve got so far:

As you can see there will be a hangar, and hopefully if I can get sprites the drop-pods, or perhaps even a smaller Yaujta ship, since the hangar bay actually is large enough to hold an Alamo size dropship as well.

Everything is heavily WIP so donā€™t take this as the final thing.

Hereā€™s an idea of what the drop-pods could look like, theyā€™re from the AVP 2010 game:

Video of them in action:

8:00 mins in if itā€™s not working.

Just need sprites for a vehicle of some sort, and we can get cooking with this kind of idea, otherwise the hangar will just be empty for now, with the ability to land a dropship in there for events or such perhaps, who knows.


can we get some dutchā€™s dozen rounds on this when it releases :grin:

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Holy mother of god. That is huge. Wow, fantastic work my man.

Check out the contributor page for better quality screenshots, Iā€™ve noticed you canā€™t post the full rez ones here for some reasonā€¦

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The only issues I see are these. One is just a mechnical thing with the drop pods. You should not have them land randomly like with crashed pods. This is cause a pred could easily get trapped inside a wall or something. The amount of salt that xxxpredmain42069xxx would generate could dry up the ocean. As funny as that would be itā€™s also jsut unfair. So give them something mortor quords so you can aim them. Bit also have the option of them jsut landing in a pre set spot similer to how telaporters work already.

daaamn that ship map is looking really cool, good job!

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Thereā€™s actually something Thwomp is working on which would work perfectly for the Pods as well:

Just imagine something like this, but with a Pred-style droppod or ship.

His contributor project:

Now if only I could convince them to sprite the Pred-shipā€¦


That is dope. Well done.