annamorozova - Discord Ban Appeal

Discord Ban Appeal - annamorozova

What is your Discord ID?


What is your BYOND key?


Total Ban Duration

Permaban in discord

Reason for Ban

The materials in my profile contained NSFW content and I didn’t remove it when I was asked


After some time, I received a DM from the server administrator that my Discord profile status contained NSFW content, I first removed it, then made another status, which also contained NSFW. For this, I was permanently blocked and I understand that I behaved a bit like an idiot. In my defense, I can say that I have not received any bans in Discord before this and in the game I have only one ban for EORG for three hours and one ban for a day for OOC term. I do not plan to do this again or break any other Discord rules.


Hello, thank you for your appeal.

After a brief internal discussion of your appeal we have chosen to deny it.

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Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting