AnRandomPerson - Player Report: Marlon De Graaf, Rule 1: No Erotic Role Play (ERP), erotic content, or 18+ sexual content

AnRandomPerson - Player Report: Marlon De Graaf, Rule 1: No Erotic Role Play (ERP), erotic content, or 18+ sexual content

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Skye ‘Lazarus’ Powell

Accused character name:

Marlon De Graaf

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 1: No Erotic Role Play (ERP), erotic content, or 18+ sexual content

Description of the incident:

During Briefing Marlon walked up behind my character, and using the rest emote crawled up to me and used the me verb to go *sniffs feet. I was disgusted and felt pretty uncomfortable with that and set him to arrest for Sexual Harassment. Apparently according to my MPs, he made comments towards one of them, leading to Two Charges of Sexual Harassment. I had forgotten to Ahelp this during the round as a whole bunch of stuff that required MPs, and that meaning me as well as CMP, including CLF in a Van onboard and survivors we had to process.


Logs, Prior Incident w/ Screenshot


Did It mess up? Fuck.


Fixed that formatting, thought it was right on the form.


Yeah uh, I was the MP who arrested them, the second charge is cause they called me daddy during the arrest and kept emoting *moaned when stunned… yeah…


Witnessed the foot thing, of note was that they came in a back door to briefing, originally went to crawl under the CMP to get to the seats.

They crawled under the CMP, got past them, then crawled back under them to emote, then got up and went to the seating area.


Reviewing the logs and keeping the witness statements in mind,

I’ve found the player in question having indeed emoting the sniffing feet part. Alongside statements:
I like being stared at by 4 buffed men and woman
I kinda like it
Didnt need to punish me like that papa
and emoting ‘farts’ and ‘moans’ excessively.

We take rule 1 seriously, and therefore I will be accepting this report and instating a 1 week ban.