ARC should be able to have comms active when you're near it.

i think this is a good idea since people say ARC is very mid. i heard it has a 16x16 sensor to Xenos. so i figure that coms should be available by 16x16 if Marines are near it

people mostly say ARC is mid because they keep using it like an APC.
ARC is incredibly good already. It dont really need a buff.


keep using as an APC? why? i figure that adding a portable coms to it will make life slightly easier maybe. if fob gets sieged and stuff.

Debatable. It’s pretty much useless outside of just providing shortrange sensor TBH. Like you could replace ARC with some kind of jima analog that works like sensors, that you can move and place around, and it would be basically the same thing. Like the only difference is that ARC can cover medics, but since ARC also needs cover it’s kind of a moot point. It is definitely not incredibly good. It’s kinda fine balance-wise, because at least it isn’t as game-breaking as old APC. But it’s pretty much useless and needs some rethinking.

I think it shouldn’t be limited to SOs, this honestly sucks. Losing an officer to make him a driver is just dumb. I also think we need transport APC back, with the same stats as of ARC, it was pretty cool and might actually be useful.

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No no. I mean people are always thinking of it like the APC, and then get mad that its shit at the job of the APC and call it bad because of that. Like, a lot keep using it offensivly. Even though its a support vehical. Also, the sensor tower it has is already dummy strong. Its map hack you can acces from inside the ARC.
The ARC could use a sligthly bigger interior though with more support stuff.
In general our vehicls are as small as possible on the interrior. Like the tanks interior is frustratingly small.

OH NO. Its incredibly good to provide cover for backline medics and comtecs setting up. Yes it cant kill big stuff, but its not supposed to. That it can stop he acid runner from coming in and freely slashing everyone and causing FF is already incredibly good.
Yes, you could do the same with omni turrets from CAS. But they either dont ever get called if CAS has em, or CAS dont have em if they get called… the pain.

But i somewhat agree with you on it being limited to CIC staff. That the drivers are just SOs makes it into a thing where SOs join just for the ARC, and then use it like an APC because brainrot. Vehicles need SL or above RP rules to dont have the classic of “Private APC cadehugger” the bain of CIC.
Best i can see, is having vehical crew be officer so they have to follow orders or get job banned, and have one slot open up foxrot style when ARC gets baugth.
But even that is iffy. Eitherway, ARC driver needs to have rules thta allow a JOB ban if you fuck it up. Like SL and up.

You can solo ARC as a lurker. It’s that weak. It’s probably only good against huggers and lessers, and I am not sure about the former.

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Oh no, the thing thats not meant to solo cant solo. The horror.

Sarcsm aside, its not meant to defead a lurker. If you park the ARC where a lurker can easily wreck it, you fucked up. Either too far back or too far front. Its a support vehicl. Support is often not about making MLG kill streaks after all.

Now, if you are just dying to make the ARC better combat wise. DONT GIVE BETTER BULLET.
Give it rather a tesla tower instead for example. Doesnt get yoinked away from its backline support role, doesnt go towards DPS, and has the fun thing of its name having a double meaning. ARC, hehe.

But dont force it to be the APC, that wont ever work.
Its a completly diffrent thing.

So the thing that’s supposedly really good at covering support classes isn’t meant to defeat the exact backliner caste that the support classes need protection from, and can’t be depended on without additional support.

So … how is it good at its job again?

Remember that it costs tech points AND removes at least one really critical role from their normal duties. And the FOB usually needs significant adjustments to accommodate its movement. And it takes up half the dropship to transport. That’s a lot of investment and coordination from multiple roles just to get it out the door.

Nobody’s asking to buff the weapon or to make it more of an APC. We’re talking about adding localized communications to something that’s supposed to be a sort of rolling sensor array you use to secure an area. If ya ask me, that’s pretty on-flavor and would give your average marine a reason to care if it sticks around or not, and it’s a good justification for having a CIC staff member on board: it’s for localized operations, like in the source material, and requires someone to coordinate communication and provide Intel.


no you can not
While youre slashing the ARC you are taking damage, everyone knows you are there and the pilot can just leave to clap your sorry ass.

The REAL benefit of ARC is the consoles found within.
The groundside console, the OVERWATCH console and the tacmap.
It is legitimately better to sit in an ARC as XO than in CIC - it is that good. Not only do you have the OB coordinate console right there, but you also have access to sensor tower updates in real time as well as actual ability to get out and lase your own OBs. As the aCO you can just immediately fire it because you do not need anyone’s authorisation to do it.

Maybe have this as an optional upgrade? Im not sure if the vehicle fab shares points with the drop ship fab, but that would be a way to have a cost to it that wouldn’t be exorbitant. Same with maybe having it be purchasable through req or via the biomass printer.

Very easy. Killing, does not equal support. Yout thinking fo a DPS role, not a support role. THIS IS NOT THE APC, stop acting like it is. APC is supposed to KILL backliners. THIS AINT. It is SUPPORT.
The ARC cant defead the Lurker in a 1v1. If your actually covering people, it wont be a 1v1.

“But just damaging wont stop em, thats not support” It is, its called puttng out pressure. A xenos life in general is by far more worth then a marine life. especially a T2. Even if the lurker manages to kill one or two marines inside the range of the ARCs turret, there is a good chance they die during the time they need for it. So, if a lurker risks to kill people inside the ARC they kis trading one T2 for about two marines at max that are out for about a minute max.
If there isnt the ARC, the have a lot less risk. Because then there isnt autoaim gun wth 180 raduis on their ass that cant ff. They wont get constant, uninterupted damage. SUPPORT ROLE.

And yes, this isnt about buffing the weapon. But you all are keep whining about its weapon being to weak being stuck in the mind set that it has the role of an APC.
Anyway, ARC doesnt needd comms as well because it already has enough shit.

  • It has a large sensor tower that reveals the location of all xenos around it on the map.
  • It has an OW console, allowing the SO to do the job they left at CIC groundside.
  • It has the intel consoles so IOs can porcces intel groundside and dont need to go all the way to FOB.
  • And, you know, it has a 180 degree IFF sentry gun that targets everything that enters its sigth and doesnt miss.

It dont use points. Its more like a standart vendor. Chose one, cant chose the other attachment for that slot.

Ok, good, but why does it need to be a vehicle for this. Also it is completely trumped by the sensor tower that’s on the map.

You can do literally the same shipside and be even more effective as you won’t need to pay attention to the ARC.

Useless, because before anything you need sorting as an IO. You can’t just read random papers and then put everything in console. To process intel you need to collect it in one place, then sort it out several times. For this you need all folders to be in the same room. And since we have a dedicated role that processes intel (ASO), there is no reason to not just send everything shipside.

Okay, still kinda underwhelming.

IMO the ARC suffers from an identity crisis. All the ARC really has is the R, which is Recon, and even then it’s moot. You can’t use it for real reconnaissance, you can only use it for the short-range sensor tower.

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You mean the sensor tower thats far behind enemy lines, thats a more powerfull version of this and often only comes to use near the end of the OP because its so far behind enemy lines? Yes, that definitly makes a version you can use early in the OP uselss. That was a cheap argument of you and you know that. Try better.

Dont need to pay attanetion to the ARC. BEcause there is a funny button that allows you to lock the doors. So, you could, park the arc at the backline. Lock the doors, Go on OW, and drive the arc away again when you see on your large ammount of tools if the front comes too close to the ARC. Cause ya know, you can see it on the tac map inside the ARC. Because of the whole sensor tower.

You can do it with the papers, nobody needs em shipside, all the information they give is stored on the intel window you can open via the IC tab. Same with the information about folders. Yes you need to sort. But, who said you cant? Also, papers dont need to be sorted.

To bad, get over it. Its not an APC, and never will be. It has a very diffrent role.
Im honestly mad how often i have to repeat this shit. DPS does not equal Support. Accept that, or shush.

The ARC exists solely to remove idiotic Captains/COs and SOs from CIC. Nobody ever orders FOB to be built with ARC support in mind at round start. It’s very weak even compared to a sentry, though it has better angle coverage. It really does need another thing to make it worth using/mentioning to the Fobbits who have to accommodate it when plas is at $15k per order mid round.


I find it ludicrous that the ARC is sprited with a massive, twin linked, chaingun/machinegun mounted on it for self-defence, yet in-game the gun is so weak it may as well be a pea shooter.

I feel the gun should be re-sprited to reflect how pitiful of a weapon it is.


The overwhelming firepower of… 20rpm guns :rofl:

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On some maps the tower is pretty easy to access.

You cannot use it early as you need techpoints.

You do, unless you are stuck in FOB. And when you need to move ARC around, you cannot use OW at all.

You still need to do something with folders. You need to store them somewhere until you find a corresponding paper. You cannot just carry them on you.

Wich one, because i didnt find one map that didnt have the sensor tower in xeno spawn territory.

The only one that wasnt directly in deep hive, was on Kutjevo.

But medical east tents to be a VERY faugth over spot by xenos specificly because the sensor tower is so far out.

Chances claim seems like it has also a far out sensor tower, wich it has. But it is also directly next to the prebuild xeno front. And directly north of it is the hive core. So also very easily defendable by xenos.

The one on shivas is rigth in the middle between the two xeno spawns on the other side of the map from the LZs.

The one on Sorokyne Stara is in the jungle caves caves.

Are those maps with easy to get sensor towers in the room with us?

Your rigth. First level tec point purchases usually happen at the end of the round when marines went and got near the hive, where sensor towers usually are. Its honestly unheard of to spend tecpoints pre 1:30 hour mark.

You dont, its called “sitting at the OW console and doing your job. And getting of your ass when you see on the tac map that you should.” As i said before, righ after the part you quoted.

True. But 1. you can just leave em there. and 2. you can just scan the papers.

Chances and Kutjevo towers are outside the caves and easy to control. Big Red tower is only hard to control if xenos are hiving in Lambda, which is not always a thing.

Sorokyne and NV are the tricky ones, because towers there are just at the entrance of the caves, but marines struggle to reach caves on these maps generally.

The rest are fairly hard to reach, although even then you often have people stealthy repairing the towers.

Xenos never defend this tower after they lose A-Block. It’s also surrounded by unweedable tiles just like on LV.

This is not acid goop, try arguing in good faith. Usually first purchase happens not sooner than 00:40, and for some reason it’s rarely the ARC, because there are far superior techs available.

You cannot do your job, if you are being interrupted every time the front moves, can you? Unless, again, you are stuck in FOB.

You can’t. Because if the front moves and ARC gets destroyed, then you lost intel for good. Unless, again, ARC is in FOB. But if ARC is in FOB, you can just drop intel on Alamo, as usual.

Honestly, the best uses of ARC I’ve seen is really just being stuck in FOB during FOB siege. It helps to know where xenos are rotating and your officer can do his actual job which is OW. Although at this point you usually don’t have comms, so OW is not as effective.

It can still be somewhat useful for the same reasons outside of the FOB, if there is a stalemate, but you usually buy techs to break stalemates, not to feel more confident during one. It also doesn’t help that you cannot enter caves, so if the stalemate is happening inside the caves and outside of the range of the sensor, then ARC is quite useless once again.

So again, it’s usefulness is extremely situational, and despite Zonespace’s words that “you need the ARC only if your plan includes it”, you cannot really have such a plan. Your don’t usually plan to “get stuck in FOB” or “get stuck in a stalemate but outside of the caves”. And even if you do, well, we all know what happens to plans after the first engagement.

I honestly don’t know why are you defending ARC so much, because it’s uselessness is more than evident. You can make up scenarios in your head where ARC is totally good, but in reality it’s hard to call it even a glorified sentry.

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Man, i cant even be arsed anymore. Calling my arguments not in good faith, after you made the argument “But on some maps it works diffrent” and then complain abotu the ARCs creator saying that its meant to be situational. Like, you onyl just noticed that the situational thing was situational?

Just, at least have some dignity man. If you straigth up lie about how

when half theres more tec point purchases that cant break stalemates: Foxtrot; REQ budget.

Actually try man. Im not arguing with someone that just wants to argue for the sake of it.

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