Axon Man - Whitelist Report: Ahanu Ul'uan, Spirit of the Whitelist

Axon Man - Whitelist Report: Ahanu Ul’uan, Spirit of the Whitelist

What’s your BYOND key?

Axon Man

Round ID:


Your character name:

Alden Torress

Accused BYOND key:

M4L4SS4S (I think. Please double check this)

Accused character name:

Ahanu Ul’uan

What rule(s) were broken?:

Spirit of the Whitelist

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

I was playing Alden Torress the CL on a map of LV-624. About 10 to 15 minutes after drop someone brings in a downed pred corpse. It goes to research. I had no contact with this corpse other than it wheeling past me to go to research as I was trying to fix Paul the Synthetic for another 10 mins.

I go to research, hoping I could engage it a bit of RP and do with Ljungman and a researcher where we talk about the pred’s gear for a bit. I DID NOT take any of it, I did not even touch any of it before moving into the containment cells to peer at the body.

I start writing a report to send to W-Y regarding the Yaut’ja corpse we have. Because of this I had two or three writing tabs open so I was even less aware as the Pred stripped my headset off me, fully stealthed then grabbed me into a backroom where he swiftly targeted head and decapped me.

I had not done any aggressive actions, nor did I have any gear on me. I had no idea he was there and I was writing a report.

This violates the “Untargetable Non combatants” of the honourcode. It could be argued that the “Yaut’ja corpses must be recovered, no matter what” would give precedent here but this seems extreme.

He claimed in the discord afterwards that he lagged but I’m still upset.


I have a video of the kill, although not of the initial dragging out as I was somewhat stunned by the whole thing before I had the presence of mind to clip it.


Video of the event that I clipped and mentioned above.


Hey hey, I’m the Yautja you’re reporting and you have the correct CKEY.

To give my perspective on the situation, a pred corpse was taken shipside and the gear began to be scattered. Because of how messy gear recovery can get I opted to take a less noticeable approach. This involved me quietly breaking into Research, grabbing whoever discovered me, and moving to an adjacent room to put them down. Two unfortunate souls happened to be in my way of recovering gear without being noticed, the CMP and yourself. Unfortunately, when I was handling you I lagged out and clicked you a final time which resulted in your beheading as you can see in the video you posted with the delay before your decapitation.

I could’ve aimed for another part rather than head to avoid any chances of a decap so I am sorry that I round-ended you.

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The gear was not scattered. Up until perhaps 5 or 10 minutes before I was grabbed, all of the gear, or at least the vast majority was on the floor, together in research.

My next point is speculation, however it is an observation I want to make: After the decap, there was no hesitance, no looc or IC “Shit I’m sorry.” The pred immediately sheathed his blades, methodically closed the door and ran off.

There is no display of regret IC or ooc and as such, “I lagged” rings hollow.

I’ll try and refrain from replying anymore unless prompted by the required people.


The council has decided to accept this report and the accused will be given a months suspension for the honour code break, thank you for the report. Reported accepted.