Backtoreality - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - hermotimos

Backtoreality - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - hermotimos

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Lawrence ‘Minstrel’ Kovale

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

I, as MST was trying to make an Independant region, hire a MT to build an nice armory at kitchen and more fancy Messhall, trying to recruit people becouse freedom calls without any attend to harm MP, officers and the ship, but MP after Ares announcment came to messhall and catch us, and I believe, I build this region so I will destroy it(Before trying to destroy it, I checked the place, there was only CE, I shoved them bunch a times and he run, and then I place an C4 to destroy it, but regardless the CE walks in again and get killed by explosive. After destroying the mine home and dream(After a minute CMP said that I killed CE, I dont know it.) I run maintence near prison yard to break free mine NMR(New mess republic) comrade, that was prisoned and was sleeped by staff.

For this situation I get permabanned, becouse of old notes and LRP bans how I stated before, and the last ban(note) with LRP was 3 month ago(maybe slight less but around it), and for this time in mine eyes I became a good player, always trying to involve RP with others players, most CL knows me for getting jacket and maybe something do what they need, or just work with them bunch of times, tried to help CIC, researchers. And as I tried to make an funny sluppy region in the Messhall, i was banned. Dont know if there really enforcement action taken, but I want spend some more time with Colonial Marines.


There none, only the reason why I was banned:
Extensive record of LRP behavior, player does not seem to improve regardless of warnings.


CMP here.
You resisted arrest and runned in maints, i did not pursue you since i had a was carrying an MT.
You did place a custom made Explosive charge and detonated it destroying the south wall of the kitchen, killing the CE in the process. That is manslaugher/murder depending on the circumstances.
This all happened while we were on blue alert because we had proof of Borer in the AO.

You also started a jailbreak while we had a XX-121 queen on board that managed to create a core on ship and damage CIC. This diverted 10-15 marines to Brig to assist the MPs while leaving the rest of the ship open to the Xeno attacks.

You were in all aspects making a mutiny, or something very close to it. I am sorry for your permaban, but it became too much after you created a jailbreak while on red.


I started jailbreak right after explosion, and after Blowtorch the wall I was sleeped by staff. There was no queen at the almayer as I remember