Baitline ep 1

Ms.Lurker, I’d like you to a seat

See you thought you were capping a lonely PVT today but that simply is not the case

See in reality you were talking to me, John “Thousand Hour” PFC

Now why would you, in your right mind try to cap a lonely a PVT


Everyone says that they are just scaring the PVT back to their team Ms.Lurker

Lemme ask you, in that shadow over there, did you bring any huggers with you?


Well Ms.Lurker that’s not a good look, and see we have the logs here, do you have any recollection of waggling your claw to get the PVT to follow

Needs help

You do need help ms.lurker, you sicken me, see outside this room we have 10 plat PFCs waiting to PB you, you may go now but know you will be killed once you do

Next up on Baitline, a vamp lurker by the name of OWL tries to kill a PVT??

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this is a masterpiece, shakespeaare or whatever his name is is crying

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2 Lines in and I can already see that this show is scripted, no lurkers have ever cap’d after morrow nerfed lurker capping, Lurkers are fueled by the blood of the solo marines they pounce, they would never use “disarm” intent.

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I will not take such disrespect in my show! I have CO currently going to your location as we speak! :patrice:

Kill all xenos.