Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers circa 2001 is in my humble opinion one of the best series ever made. I fondly remember watching the series when it first aired with my dad and asking questions about my grandpa. I am genuinely interested in the community’s opinion of the series.


i like generation kill more but it is a great mini series


Did they really kill 1,000 Germans in every engagement while only losing <1 person per episode? Otherwise the series was enjoyable, but I just did find it amusing how skewed the casualties appeared.


One of the best shows made, love me Band of Brothers. Generation Kill I also loved. I would highly suggest reading the book too.

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i liked Band of Brothers mostly because of Sobel but nevertheless good show. I would suggest watchin “Platoon” 1986, great film.

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The Pacific is also pretty cool. Might’ve been made by the same people

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I have the book. Great read.

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I have heard good things as well. Need to check it out.

I have. Great movie.

Sure. I do enjoy the action but my primary love of of the series is the brotherhood and camaraderie of Easy Company.

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Fantastic series but alongside Saving Private Ryan really made subsequent war films very derivative. Like watch Fury (2014) and it follows saving Private Ryan beat for beat whilst managing to feel less authentic (1 tank versus a whole batallion??). I also feel like it led to war films losing their colour as Spielburg used more colder and more muted tones imo. That’s not necesarily a critcism but watching A bridge too far (1977) shows war can still be depicted with more colour and be suitably horrible.

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Bridge too far is a great movie