beni2381 - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - NessiePendragon

beni2381 - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - NessiePendragon

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Wojciech Chudowski

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

i was playing MP when i was told i couldnt have the name Wojciech Chudowski, i understand that it sounds like a name that is memey, however my characther is polish, and its a polish name, the note says i “tried to fool staff”, yet i was being co-operative, and you can google the name and see that it is a real name and surname, the main name even has a meaning to it as a name that connects to a soldier, tho its not a very popular name.


You have been noted by NessiePendragon.
The note is : Warning per Rule 9 / 2 - Player joined the round with name “Wojciech Chudowski” when I told them we need to change it, they tried to fool the staff. Issue a name ban next time.


So you’re saying that “Wojciech Chudowski” is not a meme name, am I correct?


After checking statistics of this name, nearly 150 REAL PEOPLE, have the surname Chudowski, and in polish when pronounced, is HUDowski, so yes by defenition real, its not a meme surname, same for the first name.

an example of another similar sounding surname : Polish (Chudziński): habitational name for someone from a place called Chudzino (now Chudzyno) in Masovian Voivodeship .


Denied. I don’t doubt both of these are real names, but when used in conjunction, it is obvious what you are trying to do. It gets even more questionable when your friend has also used this name in the past. Staff reserve the right to decide whether or not a name is acceptable. Nessie deemed the name un-acceptable. There is no staff missconduct here.