Blackburn.A - Fax Responder Application

Fax Responder Application - Blackburn.A

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Alex ‘Dozer’ Blackburn/Charles Elliott

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:


Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?

Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?


Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?

I love making faxes. I enjoy making them for other corporate liasons and I have made multiple faxes that have been added to the Google Doc of templates

What do you consider the purpose of this role?

To further roleplay and to potentially provide guidance or clarifications for in-character information, such as Weyland-Yutani guidelines

What is your playtime in Command Roles?

70.7 hours

What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?

67.9 hours

What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?


What is your playtime in Civil Roles?


What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?

Interstellar Commerce Commission Corporate Liaison .4 hours
Weyland-Yutani PMC Leader 0.1 hours


+1 great at making paperwork and a great role player. Im sure he would be a good fax responder.

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Okay. I Will state this if you had to choose one person out of everyone that have applied so far it 100% should be Blackburn. He knows what he is talking about. +1

I have already given you my plus one, but I have gotten a question for you. Per the rules you CAN ONLY call the Almayer under EXCEPTIONAL circumstances.

What would you define that as?

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Exceptional or “extenuating circumstances” for contacting the Almayer is based upon how I am attempting to find out about relevant information.

An example would be if I receieved a fax from the Military Police, a marine or the corporate liason regarding accusations. In this case, we’ll choose a marine faxing the Office of the Provost claiming that the Military Police are abusing their authority. I would respond with a fax to either CIC or the brig, requesting an explanation for alleged wrongdoing. Failing to elicit a response would result in a second attempt, more than likely to whomever I hadn’t reached out to (CIC most likely).

If I still fail to elicit a response from anyone on the ship, I would contact CIC via telephone demanding an explanation for the utter lack of response regarding previous communication attempts.


Same question I asked the others. Per the rules of the WL, you may only call the Almayer under EXCEPTIONAL circumstances

What would you define that as?


Ummmm well this I asked this question…


I didn’t read the other questions I was just pasting my same question given I view it as the most important one.
(The one Forest delimbs over.)


I’m willing to answer any other hypotheticals you want to quiz me on!

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Oh nah that’s the only one I see as actually important, if you’re applying just to write faxes (and given it’s you, the guy who makes so many faxes for CM), I see that one big rule of the WL as the only question worth asking

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If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?

If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?

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If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?

  • Get a list of deceased colonists or Weyland-Yutani employees so we can begin processing the death benefits for the families
  • Alternatively, get the same list but so we can cover up their deaths
  • Recover Weyland-Yutani confidential information from the Intelligence Processing Room to limit Weyland-Yutani’s legal obligations (after it has been processed, not before. This is so it doesn’t get turned over to Marine Intelligence wherever we return to).
  • Ensure any surviving personnel sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement so they cannot talk about what they’ve seen
  • Attempt to trick members of the command staff (either surviving or active) into signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement so that their After-Action Reports deflect any responsibility for Weyland-Yutani
  • Attempt to get a SO, XO, or CO to sign the Intent To Preserve so that any destruction caused by members of the USCMC are to be paid/covered by the Colonial marines and not Weyland-Yutani. This would in turn lead to legal action being taken against the USCMC.

If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?

Depending on what personnel are awake, I would recommend one of the following:

  • Human interest piece regarding individual people or departments as they support a combat operation
  • Investigation piece regarding the events leading to the loss of the colony or its people (could be either generic corruption or more of a anti-WeyYu article)
  • Photos and interviews from the hard-hitting groundpounders fighting threats on behalf of the United American peoples or Humanity in general
  • Interview United States Colonial Marine Corps personnel for civilian or military publications
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