Brig Grenade Throwing Strat

If you can setup traps, you’d want to put a gun in the cell toilet and a crowbar in the botany common area.
That way, you can break out of brig, and shoot the MPs.

Considering its “maxcaps” in power too, they’ll instakill mps probably. So you can just throw the nades and win if you hit them… First off, you’d want to run around, screwdrivering all the brig doors. Once you’re ready, you’re all set.


Bomb CIC with welding tanks first to get the XO or CO to raise to red so the MP’s can carry guns, Break into brig, hide welding tanks rigged with OT c4 inside a cell and evidence room, phone CIC telling them my next target is Brig cells, set a timer signaller assembly to go off in thirty seconds, wait for MP’s to arrive, Pull pin on both grenades and charge at them.


not entirely true, PVTs are not affected by the antigrief explosives check (this is totally true and you should trust me)


I should really switch to a new account so I can maxcap briefing.


This man is an absolute legend.