bring back neurospit shield for survivor

hear me out, what if the survivors want a slim chance of survival instead of no survival if theres 2 sentinels partying together

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Was TMd, was laughed at, we moved on. Get yourself armor and you get your neuoshield.

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Here is the PR that this thread was essentially made for.

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maybe we should change this thread to a discussion about armor choices on different maps, then. Maps that Iā€™ve personally had trouble on are the mentioned-in-the-PR chances, where youā€™re basically dependant on the CO spawning to get any armor. Maybe we could add some light armor somewhere?

Another map I had trouble on was Sorokyne, where a few people can get UPP armor, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s enough in reasonably concentrated areas (so youā€™re not going alone) for everyone to get it. This caused most of us to die.

stunning armorless survs is literally the only thing that sentinels get, every single other buff that people have tried to give sentinel has been shot out of the sky or left to stale and die.

Bullying survivors is ALL THAT SENTINEL HAS LEFT

Also Willzadil thereā€™s 5 sets of armor that forecon survs can semi-easily access if theyā€™re quick (Scout, GL, m4, light, medium) at the reactor. sniper spawns with ghillie, bringing you up to 6 sets of armor total for FORECON.

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Soro is probably one of the easier ways to get armor, as there are lots of UPP corpses littered around the colony. Even the ones that are in basketball caves gets rushed by survs faster then the larva that spawn there as well can evo to drone.

Like, armor is one of the things I have heard no survivor complain about, and is only really told is an issue by new-ish survivors because they got cought by a sentinel.

I havenā€™t really seen survs get neurospammed so probably skill issue

donā€™t forget hugged marines, always funny

i stand corrected, i knew shields gave a MASSIVE chance to block but not armor, W post

Yeah I made a PR a while ago, people are very much against it sadly, but honestly itā€™s true, just get armor and youā€™ll be alright, or mainly just stick with other survivors right away.