We’ve all been there. Walking with your buddies, someone’s MD goes off and some asshole with a voice changer starts taunting you from the darkness. Say anything and BAM you’re being dragged into the darkness by aforementioned muscle head. Next thing you know and you are being forced into a Mano a Mano fight, your bayonet vs some roid-raging cosplayer with a big fucking sword scythe harpoon thing.
Worry not friend, follow this guide and never again will your headless nugget of a torso be used to jumpscare some poor FOBBIT. #1 Be a polite. Use please and thank you, mind your Ps and Qs. Like any wannabe gangster they will use any excuse as their casus belli to tear a strip off you, literally. #2 Stay behind something. Doesn’t matter if it’s a cade or some medic who just saved your bacon. Keep something solid between you and the guy with the murderboner and an invisibility cloak. Worst comes to worst just throw the poor sucker beside you to the metaphorical wolves, and literal serial killer. #3 Deescalate! That LARPer is going to insult everything from your drip to your mom to your honor. Just nod and act like they are the poor cashier trying to sell you on a grocery store credit card. Don’t argue, just say no. Don’t draw a gun, just walk away. They might get rough, throw you up against a wall or through a window. Don’t go to their level, just turn the other cheek and rise above. #4 Disengage. Like the weirdo trying to sell you a bootleg on the sidewalk, just insist you have something extremely important you need to get to. Be it fixing comms, cleaning Jone’s litter box, gathering intel, or feeding Mr. Wiggles, just make up an excuse and leave them behind. Bonus points if it’s true, but come on they are alien weirdos with bone fetishes what do they know?
Follow these easy guidelines and you will never have to be the subject of an extremely awkward letter being written to your loved ones followed by a closed casket funeral.
Written because I didn’t remember to write Tiff’s latest pred encounter before I forgot most of the details, but still had inspiration.
Remain within the FOB or a cade line. Predators are disallowed from hunting Marines that are inside a defensive fortification.
Same goes for the Hive as a xenomorph. However, the definition of Hive means you need to be within vision range of a nest so this typically means near the hivecore.
You could try to lawyer this by capturing and nesting a marine at a frontline area near a cluster. Then you can argue in your whitelist report that the Predator was hunting in a hive area since there was a nest within view-range.
The statement of someone who “Metas the Honor Code.” is now dishonorable is hard to prove if you are careful. Is it really metagaming if a Xenomorph is within the Hive? Or a Marine is within fortifications?
Remain with a large group of allies. Even the most skilled Predators are going to struggle fighting a hoard of allies just to get to you. This is even more useful since allies defending you are considered honourable, so the Pred can’t just HPC you
If you kill a predator and ecover their gear, leave it inside the FOB. Predators are disallowed from entering the FOB to recover gear. They are, however, allowed to enter the FOB to recover a body, if you wanna save yourself a headache just dump the naked corpse outside the FOB.
Literally do not interact with them and ignore them, you will just make them look like tools and they will leave you alone, pred is that optional boss that you choose to engage.
Pro tip if you are a Xeno. Just pretend they don’t exist, and deny their existence in general. You get marked for hunting? De evolve into a drone and they legally can’t touch you unless you LRP or start throwing insults at them. And you’ll probably get your mark removed as well.
Edit: also wanna point out for xenoes. If the pred perma you, you might be able to whitelist report them if you feel it was warranted. As when pred councilors were asked the question, they remained silent.
Be like Gramps and tellem how it is. When they mock your age laugh about it. When they call you frail laugh about it. When they challenge you tellem you got a job to do, and they ain’t it (and neither are their mothers). Agree to settle it after the job. If they proceed to jump you until then they’ve lost. If they are dragging away an engineer, medic, RTO, SL, offer to trade your life for the dead being drug off
It’s still a question that I have that has been unanswered, which is wether always permaing xenoes you fight is against or with the spirit of the whitelist.
Well then it just seems so marine favored to interact with preds at all. Since when you do and they kill you, most they do is take an item from you or something similar, while carrying you all the way back for a medic to nurse you back to health.
Meanwhile Xenos just get a “get sent back to larva queue idiot”. Which leads to a strong aversion to every Xeno, cept for newbies, who will get a bad experience from it.
The rewards for xenos winning a pred fight is that the pred becomes mist, or worst case is the pred gets captured and becomes an anomaly at that point 5 preds wake up and will use anything to kill the abom. Marines on the other hand get green blood all over them that decorates their success
The rewards for marines winning a pred fight is that the pred becomes mist, or worst case is the pred gets just dies and becomes an anomaly on the ship at that point 5 preds wake up and will use anything to kill the shipside marines
I’ll be standing there, doing nothing, watching an FOB siege. And then a xeno or two do a drive by on me or a group try to gank me.
Ofc I’d perma a xeno that just starts attacking me outta nowhere.
The pain is that xenos almost never try to RP and isn’t fun to because it’ll just boil down to “haha kill pred and call him a pussy” when he runs from a hive gank.
“Dishonorable!!!” When we aren’t going to HPC you because it’s an FOB siege and we can’t on the frontline.
At least with Marines we RP out a fight (for the most part) and we actively try not to round end the good ones so that we can continue to promote RP on the server.
I honestly used to just leave xenos on crit and take them to weeds like I do with marines, but just so many xeno interactions are negative that it’s just not worth it anymore.
I’ve personally tried and watched many xenoes try to both RP with preds and then fight them 1v1. But it almost always ends with the pred just bodying them and sending them straight to larva queue. Even the most honorable Xeno just gets trophies no matter what they do.
Meanwhile I see marines silently just start shooting at preds and they get their rank stolen.
And for xenoes ganking preds. It’s the only way to make the fight somewhat fair, since a warrior has to hit the pred as many times as a marine has to with non ap M41a, which literary takes you 10 minutes to kill you.
And let’s not talk about all those preds who try to bait xenoes to leave the dropship before hijack, or just runs into the hive randomly attacking xenoes after evac, then complain when they are called cowards when they run off and heal to do the same shit.