Bunker Tents

Idea of having bunker tents / pre-generated areas for admin usage / possibility of new game mode.

Generally these are not meant for typical round play.

Essentially a series of events that have secondary areas that can be accessed for prep vendors, requisitions, etc. This could also allow admins to quickly have access to areas for events without as much prep. This would be best done with individual squad tents as well to ensure that there’s less issues with squad access (looking at you echo, foxtrot) These would essentially have a setup of a outer shell (Tent) and a ladder leading to the secondary area (Bunker)

In addition to these potentially being usable as tents, these extra zones could simply be connected via ladders on the main map or other locations. It gives the admins more accessibility in events by having pre-generated areas designed for use with ladders.

Suggestions for these Bunkers/Tents

  1. Squad Tents (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Weyland, UPP, TWE, etc.)
  2. Requisitions Tent with separate ASRS setup. This will be the most tricky I believe.
  3. Survivor Bunkers (Fallout Shelter style perhaps.)
  4. Yautja Hunting Tent (Small area for Yautja to store fresh hunts, gear, etc without returning to ship. Perhaps a few styles to allow individual clans their own tents)
  5. Secret Laboratory (On par with the USS Almayer lab size perhaps with an addition of a small dorm area. Could be usable for events)

Neat idea, would indeed be useful for some events.

But likely difficult to implement so unlikely to see daylight.

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