CampinKiller - Player Report: John 'The Brave' Smith, Rule 1: No erotic content, Rule 2: Roleplay

CampinKiller - Player Report: John ‘The Brave’ Smith, Rule 1: No erotic content, Rule 2: Roleplay

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Caroline A.W. Ljungman

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

John ‘The Brave’ Smith

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 1: No erotic content, Rule 2: Roleplay

Description of the incident:

During briefing the scout spec said “I will fight for the Major’s pussy.” They were cloaked, otherwise I would’ve BE’d them for it, and it took me awhile to find out who/where they were, but this was pretty outrageous behavior to say ICly to a Major. And also just incredibly weird.


I didn’t grab them at the time because I didn’t initially think I’d report it and I wasn’t recording either.


Hey there, @CampinKiller!

Well, I’ve read the logs and I can confirm that Scout John Smith has said the sentence you mentioned during the briefing in front of many people. I do not think it passes the threshold for Rule 1 considering there wasn’t really a sexual act. However, we do not want to see a Lance Corporal saying such thing to their Commanding Officer in front of the whole Battalion, that’s against Rule 2. Your character knows what would happen if they said such thing to their Commanding Officer in front of many people, your character definitely doesn’t want to say something like that. I will be issuing a Note for Rule 2, report approved.


Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict