CampinKiller - Whitelist Report: Anthony Taron, Marine Law

CampinKiller - Whitelist Report: Unknown (Provost Fax Responder), Marine Law

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Caroline A.W. Ljungman

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Anthony Taron

What rule(s) were broken?:

Marine Law

Whitelist in question:

Fax Responder

Description of the incident:

The Provost responder for the round accepted the appeal of a CLF survivor on the stated basis in the fax (as I recall it) being that:

-The CLF did not attack any marines (though testimony from another survivor indicated they had planned to)
-They likely had just joined with their friends due to being lonely and were not a “true believer.”

I cannot recall the exact name of the fax responder, though I believe it was something like Tom Henderson (or similar). While I don’t believe it had any negative impact on the round (as the survivor just went and did random stuff after their release), I also believe that accepting an appeal of a CLF for those reasons is wholly incorrect and could’ve turned out quite differently had the CLF player wanted to get up to some trouble.

Making this under WL reports since it has to do with fax responder (and so forest doesn’t forget, as he said in DMs).

Also there isn’t a fax responder report option, so I randomly chose Predator.




Hello, I was the Provost fax responder for that round and I’d like to explain my reason for accepting the appeal.

The CLF survivor had not harmed marines and peacefully got onto the Alamo; this alone is quite important to how they’re treated when they get shipside. Once shipside, the CLF survivor was charged with sedition like normal and after some time, decided to ask for a faxed appeal, which is within their rights. Once they eventually got a decent appeal form sent to me, I sent back my questions regarding another key part of their sentencing, their allegiance. The CLF Survivor swore off any allegiance or ties to the CLF in a manner I found acceptable.

That leaves this question, if the CLF Survivor has not harmed anyone, decided to peacefully go shipside, and swore off any loyalties, why can’t they be treated like a normal survivor on occasion? They had already served a considerable sentence of over 30 minutes, and I had no other crimes to replace sedition with that would keep them in the brig, discretionary detainment is not something I’m comfortable charging as a Fax Responder, so there is nothing I could do other than decline their appeal based off… bias or status quo?

As for testimonials, none were attached to the appeal form by MP’s or survivors beyond “CLF Survivor we picked up groundside”. However, the Military Police that shift were less than adept at paperwork, which is why I sent another fax slightly later on encouraging a training drill by the SEA or CO to help rectify this, as leaving details out for situations such as these can lead to unwanted effects. This opened up an RP and learning opportunity for the MP department and the SEA.

If the CLF survivor had decided to be hostile after all was said and done, that would have gone against survivor rules regarding acting friendly/non-hostile and then betraying, even if CLF. The only exception is admin intervention, which is out of my hands from the start.

Overall, I wanted to turn an otherwise boring and standard situation into one that isn’t seen often and this time, the circumstances felt right to do so, I’m sorry if you felt differently.


Hey i was the CLF with the funny moustache that round.
So im gonna say how it all went from my perspective:
I went to the FOB to give up and accidentally stepped on a mine, i survived though. Then either Alpha or Bravo SL comes in, i try to do some funny rp knowing im probably going to get my ass blasted. So i step away and hide in a locker (right next to them), i dont know why i did that but i didnt punch anyone or shoot, i had a shotgun but it was more of a cosmetic for me, all i did was pushing one of them when they all just surrounded me.

So i get to the ship, get arrested, do some funny RP. They also forced me to eat that shitty tofu but as a man of culture i told them to fuck off.

Then i decide to appeal for release, it takes like half the round for my brain to realise what i should’ve told the fax responder.

So when the round time gets to around 1:20 i get released and just walk around the ship proudly before leaving the game.

Basically what i wanted to say is that the fax responder is a cool guy, the CO or XO(cant remember which one i had encountered) is also cool but not as cool as the fax responder.

All in all, since i never hurt anybody while being captured, was a pretty cool fella in the ship, i got released.

Also your last statement in the report stated that i could’ve done something evil after release. That may be a very logical thing considering im a hostile survivor, but since the start i have decided to stay cool and not hurt anybody and if i would’ve hurt someone after the release that would be a violation of some rule which i dont remember, but basically if you as a hostile survivor stay non hostile, you have to stay non hostile.



I’m sorry it has taken so long to respond to this report, I have been caught up in work and illness.

Due to the way CLF works just being a part of the organisation is outright sedition, whether it’s provision of moral support through participation or active rebellion.

Whilst I understand the position made by Syndro in regards to why they had the CLF released it is not within their power to do so, though fault there partly lies at my feet for failing to make this very clear.

I will not be punishing Syndro for this action, but I will endeavour to ensure the whole whitelist know their limits well.