Theres some conflicting things being said, can forsaken xenos metagame crashed pod locations?
But, on the other hand: Theres this;
“The short of it is, you should not be bringing ghost knowledge into the game. This is metagaming. There is no excuse for it, including but not limited to “hivemind”, and “everyone else does it.”” (Vitoras - Timed Ban Appeal - #2 by smellyhippie)
Sorry if this isn’t the right place on the forums, I just want some staff clarification.
I can’t speak for management but Forsaken are a grey area where they realistically are a concept to give groundside Marines something to fight/inform the fact the planet is overrun. There is no real mechanical concept to guide the forsaken towards the survivor Marines, so I would never consider pinging a forsaken for beelining for survivor Marines when they spawn in.