Can we please stop nerfing lurker?

What is this hate towards lurker? +5 seconds to the invisibility cooldown which is already one of the longest cooldowns in the game. Removing tailstab to stop lurker (a hit-and-run caste) from hitting and running. Just stop. Previous nerfs were bad enough already.

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Boy do I feel glad I found another game to play instead of going with lurker until prime. People honestly just don’t want people to play lurker anymore do they. Can’t wait for a PR to remove the attack CD reset that crippling slash gives.


just have a buddy to shake you up once you get pounced it’s not that complicated lol. lurker hate is wild


what do i do if my buddy shotguns me instead


You blame the buddy for being bald, or you blame yourself for choosing a bald buddy.


Awesome first step to removing tail stab from the game!


It’s either you can maybe 1v1 a marine in the best circumstances or you can act as even more of a bottom feeder combat caste than Carrier or Burrower, or pick the strain that people want to remove, and have already removed in forks of CM.

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Devs should remove playable xenos entirely and replace them with npc drones. Its clear that every xeno ability is bullshit and needs to be removed so I can enjoy the power fantasy of mowing down bugs until I get bored 5 minutes later and play a game with some challenge instead.


Ok who left a portal to an alternate dimension lying around? This post is clearly from the universe where the Devs play marines instead of xenos and Lurker is the universe’s equivalent to medic.

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The justification for the tailstab nerf is wild. It removes risk from certain castes? Marines all have guns, you can fight a xeno at 2 range. Buckshot PB is not the only way of attacking.


4 Lurkers can wipe the front, nerf lurker slots now!

Also 3 slash = bone break is bullshit.

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I hate what’s been done to lurker

It was an ambush caste. That’s why it’s called lurker. Putting the stealth on a cooldown instead of permanent and giving the lurker near runner speed ruined the caste. It hasn’t been a lurker for like 2 years now, it’s just a T2 runner.


One of the safest T2s, has only received one actual nerf over the last few years. The nerfs have been long overdue


That’s a bait guys, don’t feed the troll.


bait used to be believable…




Runner just keeps winning, never evo to lurker. 20 second invis CD (33% more) is going to be horrid.

Rouny gang forever, keep 4 tap tackling marines and solo capping while lurkers instantly die to a marine with SMG because their invis takes 20 whole seconds (longer than warrior lunge) to activate again.

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