Hello everyone, I’d suppose I should get a head start on this before I get too busy. Harry is currently developing a means to create interactive books and such in game that has been greatly simplified to make it easy for would-be contributors to come in and just worry about writing.
The above shows how simply the creation of a book or manual is code-wise, and I’ll have one of my minions create a more thorough guide to step-by-step contributing for the Git-challenged folks among us, but it’s a simple form of markdown essentially.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but now’s the time to start brainstorming!
@thwomper So is the intended outcome with this just for it to be used for educational materials like manuals, or is the plan going forward to allow the community to submit lore/fluff pieces as well?
I do believe that the conference room, located Northwest of briefing could hold some bookcases or even a small library that would include some of these manuals more turned to Lore perspectives, this would require direct map management however, surely a thing to be considered in the future.
Will it be possible to give the books diffrent covers. Also would this be a thing you can make ingame and fill with your own text or not. Cause if we can i’t makeing my mind control guide cannon.
I mean you can already do that with writting and talking in game. I guess in theory you could write a book with the NSFW stuff hidden inside a larger text. That could make it harder for an admin to notice it happening. But if a player ahelps they can just tell the admin what part the book is bad. If for some reason the person hides it so well nobody finds it then it not a big deal cause nobody but you can see it.
Also their is nothing stopping people from doing this right now. We already crossed that line in the sand. But where not like old school TG station this stuff is not a common issue.