I don’t normally send up projects under my purview to the forums anymore, but this one is such a longshot stupid pipedream that I thought it might justify it.
I’d like to consider a gamemode for the old Prison Cellblocks map we have that is essentially gmod jailbreak rp (those who know). The idea isn’t anymore complicated than that, and we have plenty of resources to support it, the gamemode would just a need a few key things.
i) A cleaned up version of cellblocks that allows for gameplay, no crashed ship, xeno stuff, etc.
ii) Rebalanced MP (guards) and prisoner interactions, less instant win buttons for the guards like pepperspray and flashbangs unless justified, and some more mechanics to allow prisoners to get into trouble.
iii) Things to set the theme. This map does have a research and civilian arm, the prisoners are test subjects.
Game is focused around two “win conditions”. Guards succeed by maintaining control of the station and conducting research on the prisoners, prisoners win by taking over the station. Some role changes would also be needed, but all the assets are readily available.
I think this could be pretty fun, and definitely a more interesting “slog-break” than Whiskey Outpost. I have no plans to dedicate any serious resources to this, just something I was spitballing with people.
Let me know what you think.
Add in special guards, who look just like ordinary guards, that can be bribed or something similar. Corrupt cop and whatnot, that wins by staying alive until the end. So they win with either faction.
So then why is it also the BEST idea you’ve ever had . No lies though, I’ve tabled/beret-stripped/plastic-forked a CMP to death in the Almayer yard so I don’t think guns are necessary for prisoners.