Chain Of Command Oversight
Intelligence Officer is not listed in the Chain of Succession despite being a lieutenant (I think they even have over-watch skills). This is only a real issue on low pop, but I think they should be listed beneath Chief Engineer and above Pilot Officer.



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I’d expect the IO be above the PO or below the Warden. They’re a groundside officer and not shipside, they focus on gathering rather than commanding.

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I’ve played as an IO on several occasions where it was just me, the IO and the Pilots as the highest-ranking officers. In those circumstances, I took command as the IO over the pilots. Our logic was that while we are both of the same rank, the pilots were somewhat more needed in their role than an IO, and that we could spare an IO to take command.

So I’d argue they should be above the Pilots and below the CE.


I would argue that the IO should be above the POs because they first of all have OW training. Second of all there would be more than one IO so they could spare one. Most of the time we only get one PO it would not make since for him to be commanding when there is more than one IO that is able.


I agree. The placement makes sense.

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