Challade - Player Report: Jane ‘JJ’ Jacobson, Rule 2: Deployment and Rule 3
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Uriel ‘Encino Man’ Payan
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Jane ‘JJ’ Jacobson
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 2: Deployment and Rule 3
Description of the incident:
Before briefing while everyone is seated at the hangar, I was setting up fireteams as SL and calling various fireteam leaders together to set up a plan. This player, a specialist, didn’t respond and I assumed it was because they were afk or something like that and I glossed over them.
During deployment, they were unseen, and that’s mostly fine, they could’ve died or gotten caught off somewhere else.
The issue isn’t there, the issue is after the game where they admitted to deliberately ignoring me and running off with Alpha and badmouthing everyone else about their “skill” when they deliberately ignored a Squad Leader as a Specialist because “I don’t listen to someone I don’t know”, which I assume is a way of saying metabuddy or clique pal.
Right so, hello I play Jane ‘JJ’ Jacobson and I was Demo Specialist in Charlie Squad. I will make two responses for both rules here.
I have footage from 00:17 going up until my player’s final death when FOB was overrun.
I do not have any video evidence that I was mentioned by name or role before 00:17 but afterwards looking back at the footage I have recorded my name or spec was mentioned at all. I was assigned to FT1 and there was multiple mentions of that but I paid no attention to them because my name was never mentioned.
Our deployment did not happen until 00:28 when first boots hit the ground so there was plenty of time to ask me personally to do something.
For the “running off with Alpha” that was our orders shown on the tacmap and I figured that’s where the fight will be, that’s the squad we would eventually link up with and I decided to tag along with them while whoever was at Telecoms figures that area out.
For the “I don’t listen to someone I don’t know” I have the freedom to do that, I have every right to do it. Doesn’t mean I was intentionally going “I’m not following you”. I was initially following you but then I saw the tacmap saying “do this instead” and I followed the tacmap instead of you going the opposite direction of where we needed to go. Big names have big influences in game, it was late for me and I was tired so I’m sorry for not recognizing your name my liege.
I’ll admit, I got a little upset after what feels like a month waiting for a specialist roll. I finally get back to back rounds with this reported round being pretty shitty for me overall.
Have I voiced my issue with players being bad as marine, yeah everyone does if a series of unfortunate events occur. Do I specifically call anyone out? No that’s mean. Was it late at night and studies show people are more emotional when they’re tired? Yeah I was tired and invested in the round, especially because I had another specialist round.
Overall I don’t understand the intent behind this report. Sure I know I need to relax and calm down at times but I’m just an individual who expresses their opinions a lot and go grrrr angry gamer rage which I try to work on. People get mad at video games, it happens. I don’t understand why you assumed I was AFK and never bothered to try and call me by name (I have chat highlights) from 00:17 - 00:28 despite me being in your line of sight on multiple occasions. The confusion with command was high for me so I just went ahead and did my own thing following orders command given to the best of my ability.
This is completely unrelated with the round and I would love to be a host of a bootcamp event just so I could help new players not shoot me and teach them firing lanes.
Before the mark 00:17. I have footage of all available communications chat from 00:17 - 00:28. Lmk if whoever is going to investigate this if you want to see it.
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I don’t care if you don’t know my name. I just don’t like the premise and standard it sets when we’re all playing the game with set rules and you gallant around them as if they’re beneath you. If you were just indifferent, I was fine with it, it’s that you knowingly said, “I don’t recognize you, I don’t care,” like that’s normal behavior and not completely disrespectful to people you’re playing with. If I do that to someone else, I am sure to get player reported. I’ve seen other players get reported even banned for ignoring a stupid command from an SO. But, they’re playing a role dependent on it and if we all just ignored the SO and above, then what’s point of having them there?
Personally, I don’t like the rule, but I follow it because without it everything devolves to nonsense and cronyism which I absolutely hate. When I play anything above PFC I do my best to divorce my personal feelings from players especially if I don’t like them.
It sucks that your specialist game was snagged from you and you got reported shortly afterwards, because we all know specialist roles are fun because it’s the only time a player gets to feel powerful, and I dislike that being the run of the mill marine is essentially hamstrung in a pvp sense.
Despite all that, it can’t be the norm that because you don’t personally know me you can essentially write me off as a nobody when we play cooperative rolls. I don’t do that to anyone. It’s different when people don’t know any better and just sonder off indifferently, you professed that you know what you did and you still did it.
You said it without a drop of shame. Whatever the result of this report is, it’s fine, I just don’t like the athiestic nihilist indifference you displayed.
Hey there people!
I needed some time to review the parties’ arguments and logs, thank you for your patience!
Firstly, I checked Uriel Payan’s logs and SL asked Jane’s kit, that was the first and last communication between SL Uriel and Spec Jane. Then I see Uriel puts Jane in FT1 and FT1’s order was, I quote Fireteam one, you’re spear, you lead the frontline and main objective of Charlie. FT1’s objective was to follow the main objective of Charlie and that was to move to Medical as we can see on the tacmap updated by Commanding Officer. In the first video TheeBiggest sent, we see that Jane was at Medical with Charlie FT1L, that means Jane, as a member of FT1, followed their FTL to Medical. I see it matches with both CO’s orders and FT1’s orders. I see no Rule 2 violation here.
Later, I checked Jane’s say logs and I saw Jane complaining about orders and yelling to Alamo Pilot because Pilot locked the doors while Marines were trying to get in. I can see some frustration here but there’s nothing against Rule 3. Report denied.
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