change to shutter and blast door.

i think shutters and blast doors are in a very poor state game play wise.
Blast door:
for me when i imagine a blast door i see a big bulky door that’s going to slam down and be extremely resistant.(but they aren’t.)

So for blast door i propose the fallowing change:

1-they take space so no big structure should be allow to be or be build on the same spot.(walls,doors etc…)(maybe shutters…)
2-we should increase their ability to resist acid, explosions.
3-when they are powered down no human can open it with a crowbar and only T3 maybe some T2 can.
4-they should be rare and placed with at-least reinforced walls on the side(normally your walls are tougher than the doors…)

For me shutters are way more smaller than blast door and can be placed or build on top of doors window frame or be placed on free space.
when i imagine them i see the shutter in aliens so basically tougher version of what’s protecting a mall.

so here is the change i am proposing for shutters:
1-i propose we have multiple variant depending on the base material they are made of since they can fill so many different roles.

shutters come in three variants:
1-aluminuim(for privacy shutters mainly.)
2-metal(to face low and medium security threat.)
3-plasteel(to secure CIC for example.)

you don’t want the same type of shutter to be used for privacy than you want for a structure to withstand a storm…

that’s kinda of the rough ideas i have around blast doors and shutters.
feel free to reply and be constructive in your critic or at-least put up some arguments on why my ideas are terrible thanks. :heart:

i got a lot of refactor to do before i propose this as a PR anyway so take your time…

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