Character backgrounds - discussion

So i am going to use one of my OT characters as an example: kyle ‘arsonist’ fairmont. When he was in the infancy of his character he lit a clf on fire on the almayer that was dressed up as an MP a couple of years ago. I included it in his security records as “lit an MP on fire” because I was arrested for it before the round ended and before the truth was figured out. Lately ive been thinking of expanding it to fit the nickname a bit more since the character is a bit of a fire nut. Like maybe lighting small fires in his bunk while on deployment or something. I would like to know others back stories and suggestions on what I should add to improve the overall description and background of this character and probably future characters. Also kinda want to turn it into a discussion to see where this rabbit hole leads too.

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Interesting idea. Give the man a flamethrower or go pyro spec. Let him run wild on the xenos while blasting “Come on Baby Light my Fire” by The Doors on his boombox and/or cassette player.

As OT, have fire related songs playing on the boombox in the back of the office.

I like the idea and would like to see how the character develops.

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Idiot burned a tent down on deployment.


generally helps to have character nicknames be unflattering and given by your fellow marines, a marine being given a badass name like arsonist just doesn’t fit the setting IMO


Well its what they called kyle during the issue so I just took the funky scenario and overhauled the character and took the crime as there nickname.
Plus the guy has a literal screw loose when it comes to fire. Had a round where he earned the nickname truly and had the XO call him it after pumping out like 40 ish super chem mortars via research. Got a medal and everything. But RPing the ravenous actions and literal foaming at the mouth to acquire more of the substance for his ‘art’. He has been mainly a shipside character though for a long time. I dont tend to give most of my characters nicknames, this one was developed. Although my doctor character has a nickname that people used to call him before the character got changed named wise.

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I just imagine something like this.


But ya great movie quote, but ya kyle (also took the whole OT workshop with the CLF disguised as MP) is mostly just an example. Do you have any characters that have grown via wierd small things happening in a round?

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my character’s backstory is that they’re a super duper awesome xeno killer and they go bang bang and kill the bad guys


Is that a CO application story?


Absolutely, my characters whole feud with WY Psi Director, Vim Croi, started with an interaction with a Priest Survivor and I confronting the CL. The CL was murdered. This lead to numerous interactions with Vim over the years.

Nah, just working on backstories for characters. This is contrary to popular belief an RP game.

Well put in his med record that he was diognosed with pyromania but was declared stable by the CMO. Put a foot note saying to watch out for relaps. Also maybe put in your description he smells like smoke from all the stuff he burns.


Had a character back in TGMC that I ported over without the nickname- Mary “Medevac” Strauss. I chose it myself when I started the character, which is a little cringe, but it’s one of those alliterative nicknames that isn’t super flattering and rolls off the tongue so it more or less caught on. Made me quite happy as I racked up Corpsman hours.

I’m gunning for a nickname here but none really have come yet. I want to choose something that makes sense, but it’ll come in time. I love the idea of nicknames but very, very few actually impress me— for example, Dan “Disco” is fucking timeless and I’ll never NOT love it. CAN’T SHAKE DISCO DAN, 'CUZ DISCO NEVER DIES, BABY!

Love it.

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Lol nice, my OT has the earned nickname and the other is my doctor because of a nickname I had IRL. The rest will earn there names someday maybe if someone calls them something that clicks


Well if you are trying to earn a nickname I and liekly others can think of some ways to assist with that. But in the miltary your nickname is never cool. You either earned for something stupid you did or it’s not supposed to be a good thing. Example would be you sneeze like kitten one time and now everyone calls you kitty nose. On the other end my nickname is “evil” for my crimes aginst humanity and humorus dissrespect for the dead. A more tame example might be an SL being called “wise ass”.

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Basically the same way you get one in real life. Skillet became my nickname ina kitchen because a cook mispronounced my name lol

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There’s no sense to trying to “earn” a cool nickname, yeah, but I think it’s absolutely useless if nobody will ever use your nickname unless it’s your tagline. Just has to be something you can tell a story about or will be used.

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Suprisingly have had Kyle’s nickname used a quite a few times but officers will normally call characters by there last name

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