Christmas miracle.

Guys what if on christmas day both xenos and marines drop all guns and walk up to each other and join and hold hands and sing christmas carols for eight hours until round end.



Xenos are animals that need to be purged.

This was already attempted.

Not only did I dress up as Santa as Synth on Christmas and bring the xenos and marines presents… I told them what good boys and girls they were.

The xenos flung me. Mobbed me. Dissolved my bag of toys, then resin walled my body in a 5x5 so I was never found. No staff was on to answer my ahelp

One was on however to warn me for screaming at their audacity and wishing they all get coal on discord


For xmas every marine should be given a “present launcher” that can be fired on xenos, blowing them up with “fun” and giggles.

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Marines also deserve nothing

Every single event that “Santa” visits the Almayer someone murders him in cold blood.

Dude waited in line for his present… then buckshotted santa to death.

Thats it… cancel Christmas. No one deserves it


Photo of felix:


For real? I dont remember any xmas event on the almayer, but it does sound like something a marine would do.

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It happened. I think we have video.

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I need to watch that video, send linkerino. Marines cannot have nice things i guess.

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Hmm. I think it may be on the old forums related to a player report. Let me investigate.

Memory serves it was a delta marine and a name you would recognize.

But I cannot recall it.

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Wallace Haar did what he had to do.

Santa should come strapped or get clapped.

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I will join and order an OB on any fraternization.

Fuck them bugs.


So when Bob Cross OBs a group of unruly, dangerous “”““civilians””“” (future CLF terrorists) it’s “Le bad”, but when you drop an OB on a wholesome 22nd reenactment of the Christmas truce of WW1 it’s okay?


Here me out, we blast out Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas” all day on Christmas Day. Think about it, it will annoy enough people that it will force them to spend time with their family.

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Duke confirmed Federal Agent.


Ok, how is wanting people to spend time with their families Fed type behavior. If I was a Federal Agent, which I am not, I would want them playing the game so I could monitor them.

Also, I believe taxation is theft. A Federal Agent would not believe that.

This is an affront to my honor good sir.



That is my, god. I will hold my tongue to avoid being added to another list. Something about a quote about a tree from Thomas Jefferson or was it George Washington cutting down the Cherry Tree?

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