ciitrusbeetle - Player Report: Kaleb Star, Rule 3: Community Expectations

ciitrusbeetle - Player Report: Kaleb Star, Rule 3: Community Expectations

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Kaleb Star

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 3: Community Expectations

Description of the incident:

Woke up about 30-40ish minutes in as the CMO with one doctor and two researchers, for the next foreseeable 20 or so minutes FOB had been nearly sieged and it was overall a heavy risk for a doctor to deploy. I make some IA for a couple corpsman, get the medbay in proper order, etc as one does. A second doctor, Kaleb star wakes up during this and without any gear or likewise, immediately asks to deploy. I tell him no, and why, as I had my doubts about the safety of FOB and the constant ‘hold for possible evac’ announcements and have always preferred putting the safety of my doctors first as there’s no point in deploying someone who could still be useful on the ship, only to die on the ground and do nothing. He doesn’t respond, but gets his headset and likewise which I originally assumed he did hear me, though I turned out to be wrong.
I deal with a couple patients, aswell as a rifleman threatening the medbay before going back down to look at the crew monitor before Kaleb approaches me and is already being passive aggressive. He asks to go down again, I say no and why as I had my doubts about the safety of FOB with the constant ‘hold for possible evac’ announcements, and he immediately starts insulting me, which I reaffirm my decision that its a no. I’d personally rather not risk the safety of my doctors and send them down to do nothing and die, when they’re still useful on the ship. He continues to bicker, saying how im useless, that I’ve been doing nothing but sit on my ass and that I haven’t restocked the chem fridge (which, was something I could do but was not an urgent task.) Admittedly I did get a little aggressive IC and LOOC at first, calling him an asshole and to look back at the logs but left it at that. Eventually he just gives up, and walks off to ‘make a fax to high command’, which I assume meant an Ahelp but I was not contacted nor further updated on it which I don’t know if that means anything for me personally.

Round continues on relatively normally, I’m busy doing triage and back to back surgeries and because I play on a laptop, I prefer to put the health scans over where it partially covers the chat so it won’t block my screen however it does render me unable to read the chat, which is a skill issue on my part. I get done with a super late staged hugged, and start work on another guy in which Kaleb begins to insult me again. I simply respond that I’ve been busy with surgery, and that anything he needs can wait a second until I’m done with my current patient. He doesn’t respond, and as it turns out him and the earlier rifleman had gotten into a fight and Kaleb was beheaded. The situation was already dealt with on the admin side, but IC a 2ndLT handed him off to me in cuffs in which I took him up to command to be arrested. Process takes a while, Ducky had to hand over command and was rusty so he was struggling a little with a process until eventually a marshal takes over and we both resume our normal duties. During that time, the operation had improved but was still ongoing so I cleared Kaleb for deployment, they informed me it was ‘too late’ and apparently had already begun prepping to deploy without any permission from me or command, but I didn’t comment and just left them to it as I didn’t want to stir anything more.

I keep at it with surgeries, turns out I forgot to give the surgery webbing back. I quickly amend it, inform him that its in the prep room, continue on with what I’m doing. Again, with the insults until the CL finally chimes in, he brushes them off, I said something along the lines of how contrary to his belief, I’ve been very busy and helping with a lot of different things but I don’t say anything more. He then comes in while im in the middle of surgery, throws a surgical tray from another OR at me, and walks off. After I finish up, I ask him to not throw things at me over the radio and he just starts being snarky, no response.

The round pretty much ends shortly afterwards. As to why I didn’t make an Ahelp, I was honestly unsure if it was something worth being Ahelped as it seemed to be mostly IC and didn’t know if it’d be dismissed as such + I wasn’t entirely sure what the rule for it was off the top of my head, though he was still extremely antagonistic and hostile towards me. I apologize for the lengthy report aswell, I just wanted to detail everything as much as I could.


Unsure how to put images in this field so Ill just be copy pasting things instead! I’m happy to provide screenshots if i can figure out a way to do so as im pretty new to posting in the forums, but this is all taken from a saved html of the rounds chat logs.


2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “You deploying?”
Sgt Garb ‘Nut’ Jenko says, “Nope.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “CMO , can I deploy?”
2ndLt Tao Jian [Intel (Rsr)] says, “We need corpses to make me mass produce super fuel”
Sgt Garb ‘Nut’ Jenko says, “Should i be?”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “CMO?”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “CMO.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “NO comms.”
Sgt Garb ‘Nut’ Jenko stares
2ndLt Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski [Intel (IO)] says, “Oh for fuck sake.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Sorry but I’ll have to turn you down”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Ah no radio.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “I’m not confident its safe down there”
(Initial turndown, but I didn’t get a response.)

2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “CMO.”
PFC Andra Manuah says, “Heckin borf indeed.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Whats up”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “Whats up”
Kaleb Star talks into the medical radio headset
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “CMO.”
You buckle yourself to the chair.
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “YOOOO.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Can I deploy.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Sorry, but no”
Kaleb Star talks into the medical radio headset
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Bruh.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [Almayer (Doc)] says, “Bruh.”
Ivan ‘Knight’ Kovalev starts loading Keaton Howard onto their back.
Ivan ‘Knight’ Kovalev loads Keaton Howard onto their back.
Ivan ‘Knight’ Kovalev talks into the marine radio headset2
Sr. Exec. Ivan ‘Knight’ Kovalev [Almayer] says, “Missed the cycle”
Sr. Exec. Ivan ‘Knight’ Kovalev [Almayer] says, “Hell”
PFC Jaymie Flemming [Almayer (OT)] says, “Also reasercher i pretty much cannot dose in any way the intensity for mortar”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Deploying anyhow.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “I aint trusting the safety down of FOB, they’ve been holding for a while”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Marines need me.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “…you can’t without permission”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “BRUH.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “THEY NEED ME.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “IN ALL SERUOUSNESS.”
PFC Jaymie Flemming [Almayer (OT)] says, “Unless i only use cyclo or anfo wich is meh”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “You have my answer”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “I will remain at FOB.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Will not leave.”
2ndLt Tao Jian [Almayer (Rsr)] says, “Uh”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “And you won’t, because you’re not deploying”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “BRUH.”
2ndLt Tao Jian [Almayer (Rsr)] says, “Well i can make cyclonite”
2ndLt Tao Jian [Almayer (Rsr)] says, “Autoture it”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “FOB’s been ready to fall for a hot minute now”
2ndLt Tao Jian [Almayer (Rsr)] says, “Got silver?”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “You are shit CMO.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Fuck you too”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Failure to respond when I was calling for youy eariler.”
Defender (XX-101) was unbuckled by Garb ‘Nut’ Jenko!
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Sitting on your ass.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “I fucking answered you”
Ivan ‘Knight’ Kovalev starts climbing up the ladder.
Ivan ‘Knight’ Kovalev climbs up the ladder.2
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “You didn’t answer me back”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Not filling the fridge.”
Prime Runner (KO-198-BA) was unbuckled by Garb ‘Nut’ Jenko!
LOOC: Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway: scroll the fuck up in the chat logs you dumb shit
LOOC: Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway: Ive already told you no
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “What else are you not doing.”
LOOC: Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway: Take it or leave you asshole
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Your sitting on your asss.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Why?”
Cpl Felix ‘Cash’ Taylor says, “Fight em.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “I’ll report you to high command.”
(Turndown again and when he starts insulting me. After this I’m asked if I’m free for surgery, I respond yes, and take the patient to fix em up. Kaleb walks off aswell.)

2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “CMO , I did my fax , hopefully they actually read it and come and give you a stern demotion.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “You deserve it.”
(Was in the middle of surgery, didn’t respond but I assume this means an Ahelp.)

2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “CMO your literally MIA when your needed the most.”
You begin drawing back the skin and tissue around the incision on Boa Schmidt’s chest with the retractor.
You hold the incision on Boa Schmidt’s chest open with the retractor.
You start forcing Boa Schmidt’s ribcage open with the retractor.
You use the retractor to hold Boa Schmidt’s ribcage open, exposing his vital organs.
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “Really a SHIT CMO.”
You put the retractor into the surgical webbing vest.
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “I’ve been in fucking surgery”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “I’ve been in fucking surgery”
The deck of the USS Almayer shudders as the orbital cannons open fire on the colony.
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Several, back to back ones”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “Several, back to back ones”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Including a very late staged hugged”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “Including a very late staged hugged”
You start bending Boa Schmidt’s ribcage back into place with the retractor.
You close Boa Schmidt’s ribcage.
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “If you need something, wait a second, I’m still attending to someone”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “If you need something, wait a second, I’m still attending to someone”
(Proof of me being in another surgery + Him again, but he doesn’t say anything after this nor did he say anything beforehand.)

PFC Andra Manuah [Almayer (Charlie ComTech)] says, “OMAR JUST MURDERED MEDICAL STAFF”
You set the bones in Boa Schmidt’s left foot.
You can’t clamp the bleeders with the bone setter, repair the fractured bones, suture the incision, cut through the bone, prise the bones open, or cauterize the incision.
You poke Boa Schmidt with the bone setter.
2ndLt Tao Jian [Almayer (Rsr)] says, “WHJAT”
2ndLt Caden Nickolson [Almayer (GP)] says, “THE WHAT?”
Sgt Garb ‘Nut’ Jenko [Almayer (Nurse)] says, “I WARNED YOU EARLIER ABOUT OMAR.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “THE HELL?”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [Almayer (CMO)] says, “THE HELL?”
(Beheaded and why I assume he didn’t respond.)

2ndLt Caden Nickolson says, “Then you work on brig”
PFC Andra Manuah says, “We’re helping you, man. We got the guy.”
Byron Prescott starts climbing up the ladder.
Byron Prescott climbs up the ladder.2
Omar Ali attempts to remove the handcuffs!
2ndLt Caden Nickolson says, “I got no accesse there”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Aye”
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has broken Caden Nickolson’s grip on Omar Ali!
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has grabbed Omar Ali passively!
2ndLt Caden Nickolson says, “You are one of command people”
The M3-EOD pattern armor Omar Ali is wearing restricts your access to the surgical site, take it off!2
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has grabbed Omar Ali aggressively!
Cpl Everett Howe [MedSci (Charlie HM)] says, “We got medevac?”
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway holds Omar Ali by the neck and starts choking them! < (accident, apologized for this LOOC)
PFC Andra Manuah says, “Ow!”
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has grabbed Omar Ali passively!
PFC Omar Ali says, “It wasn’t my fault”
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has grabbed Omar Ali aggressively!
You start loading Omar Ali onto your back.
2ndLt Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski [Intel (IO)] says, “Well shit.”
Omar Ali attempts to remove the handcuffs!
You load Omar Ali onto your back.
(from here on I was busy, in the brig with Ducky but nothing is said to me.)

1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “You can deploy now”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “I’m more confident in FOB”
2ndLt Tao Jian [Almayer (Rsr)] says, “SUPER FUEL AND UPGRADED TANK”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Too late.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “Your really no help.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Earlier was a fucking mess, I didn’t want to send you down in the event it’d be your death”
2ndLt Kaleb Star says, “NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU CMO.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway gives a thumbs up.
(When I cleared for deployment, walked off after this.)

2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “AT THE END OF THE OP YOUR OKAY WITH SOMEONE DEPLOYING , isn’t that stupid? Sounds to me it is.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “Go fuck yourself for all I care at this point”
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has grabbed Drone (VX-561) passively!
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “CMO should be fired , your so freaking useless.”

2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “CMO YOU HAVE THE WEBBING ANYWAUS.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “Ah I forgot, my bad”
You start climbing down the ladder.
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway climbs down the ladder.
You climb down the ladder.
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “You forgot your brain too.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Its in the prep room”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “Its in the prep room”
2ndLt Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski says, “I cant see boss.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “Also your common sense.”
The body scanner console pings as it stores the scan report of Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski
Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski pops out of the body scanner!
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has grabbed Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski passively!
2ndLt Caden Nickolson [Intel (GP)] says, “2 fulton got”
Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski has been laid on the operating table by Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway.
2ndLt Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski says, “Wait”
Exec. Constantine Dvorak [MedSci (CL)] says, “Kaleb please calm down. You’re a team, figure out how to work together.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “I can’t CL , after being behead and everything you wouldn’t understand.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “Beheaded rather.”

Kaleb Star has thrown the surgical tray.
Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway has been hit in the chest by the surgical tray.
You finish treating Kitasaburo ‘SABOT’ Sikorski’s damaged liver.
You put the trauma kit into the surgical tray.
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway says, “Ow”

Exec. Constantine Dvorak [MedSci (CL)] says, “Perhaps you need a psychological evaluation and support due to it.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “Maybe so.”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “CMO in my mind is still very incompent.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “Please refrain from throwing things at me, Kaleb”
2ndLt Kaleb Star [MedSci (Doc)] says, “I will not , its a free world.”
Exec. Constantine Dvorak [MedSci (CL)] says, “I am sure that can be seen as assault.”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “I don’t have any incentive to care right now, honestly”
1stLt Inali ‘Geiger’ Holloway [MedSci (CMO)] says, “I’ve been very busy, contrast to Kaleb’s words, I don’t feel like dealing with it”
(a lot of irrelevant chat-logs have been cut for convenience, but this was the bickering that continued until the end of the round. Nothing more was said after this. Again apologies for how obscenely long this is, 100% understand if this takes a minute, I wanted to be as thorough as I could.)


Heya! I’ve read the logs and I saw that Kaleb Star has shown very poor roleplay as a Lieutenant along with pretty toxic behavior towards CMO throughout the round just because they denied their deployment request. Player also tried to force feed a fresh Private with some pill and the events that followed… Basically, Kaleb Star’s behavior and roleplay were far below our expectations, therefore I will be issuing a Note per Rule 2 and Rule 3. Report approved!

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Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict