CM History

hey guys i read some reddit post from 9 years ago and was wondering about the server history of the long past

Who was apophis and feweh? what happened to the old, seemingly totally incompetent staff team? what was the Sulaco like and when was it removed?

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Who was feweh? Ok Feweh alt lol


Apophis was our old CM host. He was removed after some…allegations that I can not describe here. Feweh was our old canadian, fascist staff manager if i remember right.

The staff team is still relatively the same. They’re just not that bad anymore.

The Sulaco was old ss13 meeting CM. We had the supermatter that if you launched it into space. Would circle around the map and then strike the bridge killing everyone. The Sulaco did not have stairs so hijack was quite literally whoever could best the otherside using the eternal ladder sieges. Sulaco was removed 2016-2017 and its final event was being blown up by Feweh. We also still had ATMOS so the ship oftenly got spaced and we’d all be fighting xenos in zero-g.

Overall? Good memories.


apop was an old host that had drama that was probably false, but never proven, that i wont get into because its dubious

feweh was an egotistical, seemingly bully-like headmin that turned out to have a load of alts for discord, reddit, and forums.

sulaco was a cool map but was ladder hell because it was before stairs existed. bit of a maze but stuff was seperated in cool areas(squad preps were soul)


Fuck it, I’ll also hop in to make some questions.

  • How was old engineering like?
  • Why was the L42A replaced by the M4RA?
  • Why was CORSAT beloved and why was it removed of the rotation?

Every time I get nostalgic about old CM, I remember the legacy events where we reverted to older codebases, and then I become grateful for what we have today.

But yeah, staff back then were generally worse. Apophis founded the server, so he had the mentality that the server was basically his- I guess technically he wasn’t wrong, but it still didn’t mean he could treat the people playing on it worse because of it.

Definitely the best predator player hands down though. Tremble in fear, all who gaze upon his dreadlocks, for you are fucked even if you defeat him in battle. Even Xur wouldn’t be safe from his wrath…

  1. Old engineering was fucked, you had to setup and manage the supermatter every round, so if your engineering crew was bald, or non-existent, the Sulaco would suffer power failures so frequent that they’d put South Africa to shame. You also couldn’t go a single round without some genius touching the supermatter and being disintegrated into a million atoms. Comms was well, TCOMMS for the early parts, so FOB was just LV-624’s TCOMMS Dome. You also didn’t have cades, you had to build tables. Unfortunately, since everyone could build tables, you’d get bwoinked for it. (I got bwoinked for making reinforced tables, literally joever)
  2. L42A kind of looked weak, plus I’m pretty sure the L42A isn’t even canon. We literally had a canon battle rifle already (The scout’s M4RA) in the game, so I suppose they figured we may as well just standardise all the L42As into M4RAs for soul.
  3. I dunno lmao

L42A was replaced by M4RA for the lore reasons, because the latter existed in that terrible Colonial Marines game, while the former was created by the CM devs. It’s a repeating trend where things unique to CM get replaced by things from other Aliens media, but with little real difference. Another example is the APC being replaced with the ARC.

CORSAT was one of the more divisive maps, that had both loud haters and lovers, but it all came down to the mapping team at the time having a strong sense of vision and willingness to remove the maps that didn’t fit that vision(Prison, CORSAT and ICE).


was he actually named Le’pro?

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Apop was mostly before I found out CM, only menaged to glimpse the very end. From the rumors he would come up with server rules on a fly when it was impacting him, so supposedly as a xeno who menaged to sneak shipside you would have to roleplay capturing everyone and not killing, because that is not how xenos act and it is LRP, but only when he is a shipside marine.
By the video provided one could assume some of them true.
The drama supposedly was about questionable The Sims mods that threaded on his RL job and by that description you can already tell, unless you have more xeno hours than marine.

Faweh supposedly made alternative accounts to praise himself and his decisions in order to push his own agenda and vision which wasn’t that different from Apop’s. A mapple syrup wannabe dictator, yet his night of the long knives failed. We are luckey to live in a universe where staff never let him back into any position of power, he would scheme his way to the top otherwise, atleast he would try very hard. I had few interactions with him on forums, we both did not liked eachother.
Well, imagine someone like me but powerhungry and with malice.

Other notable staffmember was emeraldblood, where she get into a scandal of spawning herself incendiary (or some other unavailable ammo) for marine pistol. The line of defence was that she didn’t wanted to use it, heh. A nice contrast to dying as a pred and then abombing everyone involved.

Current policy of high-ranking staff is to not play the game at all. About the competency, it is all voluntary work, much like bored MP in the infamous glory days of Rex Texas, you start to go a little wacko with the power you have been given.

Whoresat was probably removed because it was a bigass shitty xeno-sided map. Even worse than old ICE. Maze-like thight corridors that run for miles favour xenos so hard it is not funny in the slightest. Reworked version fixed only it being so needlessly big. I guess mappers back then thought that CM will get more and more and more players, which was a wrong assumption.

Can’t forget about another, fairly unique piece of CM history, which is whitelists. All those powerfull and “responsible” roles require separate staff to judge their actions and they have to prove that they aren’t your run of the mill grieffer. Several of them were found cheating in the game, atleast one grieffed brieffing by exploding it as a pred. Some other occurances that I do not remember, or simply never heard of, or experienced.

Were you aware that in the past balance was intentionaly set to favour xenos by the winrate of 75%?
Yeah, I know, cancer.

Introduction of warrior was funny. Nothing was nerfed faster than warrior using its lunge against a pred and it working just like on a marine.

Tank and APC, shitty 3x3 bricks, either overpowered, or severy underpowered, always siphoning all of the attention and power from lowly PFCs to two people.

A round where CO banned using shotguns, fun.

Native American CO playing “Machete dodgeball” with marines and talking about scalping.

German CO roleplaying like zat ja? But harder, much harder, something you could hear but much more of a “not see”.

Donor gear, it is still in the game, but almost nobody with it plays. Solid Snake, HECU marine, I think Samus (from Metroid) and other characters like that, all mixed during Apop and Feweh “MRP” era.

You could escape from xeno nests, so somebody always had to suffer simillarly to a bravo squad marine and stay in hive to guard you, otherwise at best you could kill yourself and deny larvae.

Those are more of those notable things I can now recall from memory, but you have to pull somebody’s tongue to know more if you want.


Can’t forget about how multiple people with pred whitelist was found cheating, where they had their own discord both spreading the cheats, and forming a clique. This also had WAY too many councilors that it wasn’t funny (1 could be seen, but more then 2 is insane to me).


Funny seeing myself on the radio, I was James Castleton then.

As an old veteran, some facts/opinions that I disguse as facts.


  • Sulaco was interesting. Hijack was still a concept, but the ship would always land in the hanger bay instead of a random location, so Hijack was a very predictable affair with xenos taking over the hanger and pushing towards the western ladders.
    • 99% of hijacks would see an extended game of chicken around the main hanger ladders as these were the best way to move large amounts of people between the two decks, you’d have Marines camping the upper deck and xenos on lower. There were a few other ladders (medical, cargo, engineering) but these were all single ladders that were incredibly easy to be camped and so were rarely used by the xenos to move between decks.
  • God bless the Cargo Powerloaders, which used to be supremely overpowered, the clamps would deal massive damage to a xenomorph. You’d often see one Cargo Tech guard the Cargo ladder and instant kill xenos who tried to climb up. It was eventually made against the rules to take a powerloader out of cargo.
  • Engineering was a shit show. It was full 100% SS13 atmospherics with a super matter crystal. Meaning you’d need a expert engineering department to maintain the ships power, if they fucked up the entire eastern half of the upper deck could explode or be irradiated/superheated.
    • On that note. You’d occasionally see Engineering rig up a self-defence system as a final fuck-you to the xenos. Such as releasing superheated oxygen into the ventilation system, this would instant kill any xeno using a vent, and if the air was released into rooms, it’d instantly kill every human and xenomorph on the ship.
  • There were a set of lifeboats, but they took 20 to 30 minutes to fuel.

I partially remapped the Sulaco for modern CM-SS13 via the USS Kurtz, the ERT map USCM ERTs can return to (mainly CBRN) if you want a preview of what it looked like.


Your standard admin/host who don’t care what the players want. I’m sadly not privy to what their final fates were but I do know Apop had a bad reputation with player interactions and allegedly did something very bad that got him ousted/quit.

I did personally witness him blow up a bunch of marines via admin bombing when he as killed as a Predator, but that was not out of the ordinary.


It’s worth mentioning that the Predator honour code was extremely loose compared to the modern day. For example, if a Predator ran up to a Runner, smacked it in the head with a melee attack, and the Runner decided to not attack at all but just run away, the Predator would be allowed to fire a HPC to kill the Runner.

You can imagine that alone made the whitelist divisive, let alone the accusations of cheating, which I’m not privy to.

Donor Gear

Essentially, back in the day there were several tiers of donation you could give to the server. The lower tiers would let you pick a piece of generic SS13 gear as an armour donor item, such as a Syndicate spacesuit helmet. The higher donation tier let you buy a custom set of armour that would be sprited for you.

However the quality of the gear varied, some of them were high quality, others were 2 colour tones.

The other rising issue was that as more donations were being made, the workload of the spriters was increasing, and they were being forced to sprite for something they may not want to do.

Eventually the donation system was shuttered, it was claimed the server had enough funds from donations to last for years. An idea was flouted to return donations in the form of a donor shop where you could donate for pre-made items only, with no custom sprite orders, but that never went forward.


Commanders had a lot more leeyway to act as they wanted and impose what they wanted. Especially whitelisted ones. I did have a CO WL at the time, but personally I never did anything crazy, but I do know plenty of people did insane roleplay as noted by @Cabal



Ah yeah, good page, I forgot about that.

Didn’t TopHat go to Blackstone or whatever that medieval RP server was? Before it died?


May we remember the old boys that never got to see what the game became, years later.

Also, that was jamie Steel.


Not so old CM (2018-2019) also had an issue with cheating. We used to have people like Jonathan Hogg that most people thought of as extremely skillful until we all found out that he was abusing cheats like most robustos of the era (sailordave was one that we never confirmed). There was a full fledged marine UAV cord they were using too.


Ah yeah mixing up my people again.

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I don’t remember, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Apop’s predator name literally had Le’pro in it lol


There are clips from Hogg’s pov, afaik he didn’t cheat with aimbots or w/e so as far as clicks and general skill was concerned he was legit.
The chunging we’ve seen those days wasn’t a lie…

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I am not aware of this, but can you belive in a clips provided by a cheater? I mean, if I was one, if I wanted to put some clip from perspective of my desktop then in those clips I would not cheat.

It is like when CIA investigated CIA and found nothing wrong.
The truth is that some of those so-called “pros” were, in fact, cheating.
The truth is that some of those who “proven” that they are responsible via whitelist acquisition were, in fact, cheating.