Hello, im trying to make a funny cool video about CM based on the tactical map of any map. The video itself is supposedly a joke(whenever its done).
Since i cant access my pc at the moment, i need someone to send me all the tactical map icons(marines,comms towers,revivable,unrevivable,xenos, etc)
If anybodys up in taking a part on the project, send me your cm characters(marines only ).
Characters/Roles NEEDED
- CO
- XO
- SO(Max 4)
- CL
I will also need All Squad SLs, SGs, Specs,Medics,Comtechs and ofcourse riflemen.
I need the characters screened from all the sides btw
If you want to participate in helping me DM me in discord (ApsuaDuck)
Again, the videva will be just a memely medium sized video