Cobraman - Staff Report: Behavior involving Misconduct - LTNTS

Cobraman - Staff Report: Behavior involving Misconduct - LTNTS

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Aden ‘McLemon’ McClymonds

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Behavior involving Misconduct

Description of the incident:

I was the XO, while the CO was deployed. The Provost was investigating on the ship. An MP came into CIC and told me, “I think the MPS are all about to be shot.” When I arrived at the brig the doors were bolted. I went north through the infirmary but that door was bolted as well. The Provost ordered me to leave. I refused and stated my reason why as per SOP. He continued to order that I leave and drew his gun. I refused. He came into the infirmary and attempted to shoot me in the head. I returned fire. I lost the gunfight and was subsequently BE’ed.

This is a pretty horrific policy violation as it regards to the Provost authority. Provosts are specifically designated to “enforce Marine Law”. This jurisdiction does not extend, as in real life, to the Provost having complete authority over the ship. This is again apparent in the Provost rank page which describes them as having, “authority over Marine Law.” Ordering the aCO out of the brig for unspecified reasons does not seem to fall within the purview of Provost powers.

While a valid BE under BE privilege, it was not the proper response. BE’ed the aCO of the ship during an active operation is not something which makes sense within RP, and even goes so far as to violate server rules.


[None recorded.]

Update, after the report I was linked this video of the affair: (Watch RIP full | Streamable)


You were refusing a direct legal order (from a superior officer) to leave the brig and proclaimed it was an “illegal order” and you did not have to follow it.

You were given multiple chances to leave the brig, which you clearly refused. The Provost Marshal was handling an issue pertaining to marine law and you presence was not needed for the case.

As such, you were outranked in both cases of the Command hierarchy below, where you being insubordinate to a clear direct order. With a Military Police Department with questionable ability to enforce Marine Law, given the behavior and comments made by a good portion of its members.

Marine Chain of Command Hierarchy

Marine Law Hierarchy

You yourself admit the following:

What you’re missing is the authority of the Provost Marshal which I’ve provided below.

Authority of the Provost Marshal

In summary;

  • You were given ample opportunity to leave while the Provost Marshal conducted his business.
  • You refused these ample opportunities to leave, and got executed for Major Insubordination and shooting at the Provost Marshal.
  • These actions took place in front of an incapable and incompetent Military Police Department. Seeing as no member of said Department attempted to remove you from the vicinity of the area after your refusal.
  • The Provost’s business is not the Commander or Commanding Officer’s business, you have the right to keep tabs for your ship’s security but you must not interfere with their investigation.
    • Which you did, as you were told to leave and refused to follow a perfectly legal order which you clearly understood the meaning behind.
    • The Office of the Provost Marshal may humor you if you’d inquire as to what owes to their presence, but they are not required nor expected to do that.
  • You are not the Commanding Officer, you are the Commander and one that has overestimated their own authority.

You were told repeatedly in deadchat by not only myself but by numerous other players that you should have obeyed the orders as the Provost Marshal Office is part of High Command and you are to obey them where rank appropriate.

You instead repeatedly refused to follow the orders of a Marshal holding an equivalent rank to a Colonel, who wields absolute authority over Marine Law and it’s handling on the ship. Whilst correct they cannot usually issue whatever orders they wish, at least in regards to the operation itself, they are more than capable of dismissing you from the Brig whilst they are handling an issue with the MPs.

The way we typically handle anyone from High Command being aboard the Almayer is they are, where rank appropriate, the final word. If you disagree with what they’re doing or saying you send a fax about it. (If you send a fax and get no response then you can ahelp, or in some cases just start with an ahelp.)

I will ask the CO Council to review the BE to get their opinions on appropriateness, though I personally have little issue with it following you repeatedly refusing direct orders from an officer from High Command.

This post/thread will be updated following the CO Council inputting on the BE, but aside from the result of that no action will be taken against LTNTS here.


Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict