CoIoneISanders - Whitelist Report: Elder Lang’Kell Nhon, Honor Code, Spirit of the Whitelist
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Elder Lang’Kell Nhon
What rule(s) were broken?:
Honor Code, Spirit of the Whitelist
Whitelist in question:
Description of the incident:
A predator began fighting a lurker west of the Temple. Since I was building nearby I decided to help him out by building sticky on the beach. The pred took notice and attacked me with a glaive, but I just sat there and I built 3~ sticky resin. The predator then ran to a distance and HPCed me, instantly gibbing me.
A target or group of targets who attack you without due cause or interfere with your hunt.
Example : A single or group of marine(s)/xeno(s) engage you because you are actively engaged with one of theirs, they are honorable.
I was not dishonorable, and it was just me building while the lurker fought. This is the equivalent of blowing up a warrior because he tried to lunge, it’s just way too much of an escalation for no real reason.
After I was gibbed, another drone showed up and began placing sticky resin as well. They ended up being HPCed, but the predator missed. The predator then proceeded to kill them during the explosion stun.
Plasma Caster (Lethal) (You MAY NOT attack a stunned dishonorable opponent) (They also weren’t dishonorable either, and after the HPC they MIGHT have been crit but I am not quite sure as I only tabbed back in once I heard the explosion)
A hivelord came to the area sometime later and reweeded. He was again, targetted, but this time not with an HPC. Instead being attacked with the glaive
Note: Un-huntable is only the case if they are not actively attacking you, have not attacked you in the recent past or are not otherwise dishonorable.
Non/Indirect Combatants (Drone castes, boilers)
It was incredibly shitty to HPC two drones who were in no way dishonorable because they helped fight you. Not too sure on the hivelord but I felt it was appropriate to include it anyways for being semi-connected to my case in the general attitude of the player.