In a previous round there was one survivor who prior to being killed by xenos roamed a large portion of the colony and dumped a large amount of intel in one spot. When a moderator brought it up with management it was labelled as allowed as long as the survivor does not overtly talk about it IC. This pile was sat in walking distance from the LZ and was a significant amount.
This is blatantly metagaming and should be considered as much. Survivors should have no idea that intelligence officers are deploying and will be collecting seemingly pointless disks and scraps of paper. They should instead be focused on SURVIVING. As well as this, an IO could potentially find themself doing nothing for a portion of the round as a surv decided to do their role for them.
This should be classified as metagaming and be punishable.
sorry bro, just cause marines got foxtrot faster doesn’t mean we need to stop survs from filling up their pockets with the research papers. Also IO’s can still get bodies through fultons so their job isn’t over
I don’t see a reason to defend them metagaming intel. Is there a legitimate reason why a surv would even collect seemingly random papers and leave them on an LZ, when they don’t even know if help is comming?
In a previous round there was one survivor who prior to being killed by xenos roamed a large portion of the colony and dumped a large amount of guns, mats and meds in one spot. When a moderator brought it up with management it was labelled as allowed as long as the survivor does not overtly talk about it IC. This pile was sat in walking distance from the LZ and he just fragged half the hive with his OP Basira and Spearhead, all the while abusing his meta-medvendor for free heals.
This is blatantly metagaming and should be considered as much. Survivors should have no idea that marines are deploying and go Rambo to defend this colony. They should instead be focused on SURVIVING. As well as this, marines could potentially find themselves doing nothing for a round as surv decided to kill xenos for them.
This should be classified as metagaming and be punishable.
Can we move this xenocope to acid goop?
Edit: Nobody tell this guy that corposurv on LV gets an intel pouch
If survivors want to spend their time trying to collect all the intel they can, rather than hiding behind cades at one of the meta-holds, that gives the xenos a greater opportunity to attempt to kill/capture them; it promotes more interplay between survivors and xenos. You can also flavor it in whatever way you want: CMB collecting intel on what happened on the colony for the sake of an investigation, WY corpos trying to gather up as much research as possible before it’s lost, the sad engineer who just lost his wife to xenos and wants to prove it’s WY’s fault, etc, etc.
p.s. I was the one who said it wasn’t metagaming.
Thanks for the context behind the ruling. Thinking on it, I do agree with it changing up the round start and getting more conflict between survivors. Flavour wise is ultimately whatever since that was the part I’m bothered with the least.
Other than that the only thing I have issue with is It taking away from what an IO gets to do during a round. Its extremely unlikely that it could happen but I dunno how I’d feel about deploying only to find a large proportion of intel collected already. They already have ASOs doing their job shipside, having their planetside job done as well would just suck.
yeah I’m sure that sad engineer will spend the rest of the round sending faxes and trying to rp holding WY accountable rather than just becoming a pfc+
I just feel like this opens up a new avenue for surv, which is basicly “Give marines a better start”. Where you essentially have a team groundside collecting intel, metals, grenades, etc. and essentially just use up their surv role prepping marines, instead of surviving.
As if survs don’t give their 5+ stacks of metal to marines anyway. If xenos failed to melt loot and cap survs who decided to hivedive for intel - it’s a skill issue on their part
I understand that finding survs is hard when you follow surv meta and they don’t, but it’s still doable. And if survivors develop meta tactics for vacuum-cleaning Intel - xenos will tag along and develop meta tactics to cap them on the way
Surv-xeno relationships are all about meta anyway, I don’t see the issue here
Making surv more meta, or allowing them to become more meta isn’t a great direction. Meta holds, and meta rushes are somewhat fine, since both sides know the map, and its for both of their interests.
But when you start using your surv slot to essentially grab all your loot, then kill yourself, or throw it onto the LZ so xenoes can’t interact with it cuz funny gas, then it becomes way too much. You essentially throw away your life just to give “your” side a better edge against xenoes.
I think that it really depends on your character’s groundside role. As a surv scientist for example, you start with research materials literally in your pocket. It makes a certain degree of sense to grab more so long as you RP it. One of my favorite surv rounds involved me gathering some intel and hiding it from the marines because the character is a WY loyalist. Similarly a Marshall or Forecon survivor might pick up intel because it makes sense for their job. A trucker or EMT? Less so.
xenos can’t melt intel of course, but do you know how uncoirdinated the xeno side is before first drop. Lots of players will literally afk or talk in hive until non drone t1s are available (00:09). Lot’s of larva won’t even move for several minutes because they’re afk or alt tabbed. Might not even be a skill issue on your part if you don’t actually roll xeno so have to wait for the buried larva spawn which delays your evo. Point is in most cases before 00:09 there might be a handful of drones of which only a few will be actively seeking caps. We already know that it’s incredibly hard to incentivise players to evo to drone even though it’s a free evo, if survs systemise intel collection in the early parts of a round I’m doubtful there’d be a xeno response. And is it not equally problematic that a surv could pick up lots of intel and then get capped, effectively permanently denying the intel on their body to the marine side?
Believe it or not, people DO roleplay. Just because you don’t, doesn’t mean others don’t. If someone wants to play a character like that, than well done to them if they accomplish it. Let them create a story.
Also, I feel like we should be arguing for less rules, not more.
whether they survive or not is irrelevant because if they die in the metaholds next to the lz then marines still recover intel they otherwise would’ve waited longer to get. Or if the surv gets capped thats intel the marines will never see