Combat Correspondent Expansion pt2 ideas needed

Requesting only the top tier of our esteemed idea guys:

Does anyone have cute outfit/hat/item ideas for combat correspondent for pt2 of their expansion
Even if it’s just new color combo’s for their existing outfit styles
(Although I really want to sprite more headgear for them)

only current stuff so far:
-tape recorder that looks like a big microphone for recording + loud voice
-heavy rain coat style tan suit for civ + military
-giving mil reporter some more gear + restricting them from civ clothing (original PR oversight)
-Photo as helmet garb on fedora for silly press look
-Make printing capabilities better
– Photos not printed in B/W
– Not having to replace the toner every 3 pictures
-ID becomes a lanyard + civ/military specific
-Tripod for camera for RP
-Photos can be viewed from any distance
-Paper can be read from any distance
-Giving CC a few revelant languages for interviews

-Reporters from different factions (TWE, WeYu, NOT UPP) + clothing for them + further splitting of civ + mil reporter
-Allowing general pub/news source faxes to be viewed like research publications via helmet
-Adding little TV things to preps + walls + surgery rooms that goes live to CC’s by their choice (eh, maybe will save this for the future). Potential ability for them to rune text above them via microphone

A fedora with some white paper stuck on it.


A Targard so i can look like raoul dukes from fear and loathing.

an armored vest that reads as “PRESS” in the predator language, so they know exactly who to kill first

a deployable camera that can broadcast on TVs that should be at least 1 puted in the kitchen dining area and were camer is on, the TV will say ,ON AIR" or something

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A machine capable of mass-printing papers and photos for an easier manufacturing of newspapers. Making newspapers in mass currently is simply horrible, time-taking and headache-inducing (finding toners every four photos printed is a dang hell). It takes ten to fifteen minutes only to write a full newspaper page, and not having a reliable way of printing them in large numbers can take other ten to twenty minutes. (Normal photocopiers take too long to print each paper/photo and does not allow the printing of other stuff at the same time, so you literally need to print each thing one by one, and then attach them together after the printing is done, which is another hell by itself).

Like putting a Recvendor in their office?