At the moment, staff ranks are vague and could use better language.
I believe that the staff ranks should contain the responsibilities and limits of each role that they’re allowed to perform for the sake of transparency.
At the moment, they don’t. And I believe they should so that players know who to turn to precisely for what they need when contacting staff. I also believe it’s beneficial to publicize this so that it’s a fair layer for everyone to look at.
For instance, what is the responsibility of a management advisor? There’s no definition anywhere, that’s available publicly. These were enacted by Soldier, who says they are just an advisory position - but then takes action and makes rulings on player reports, something which another advisor said only managers could do, and the Forest has said advisors are not managers.
I am not using this as a target, just as a specific recent example. The public isn’t really able to see into internal matters of staff - and for some portions, that’s okay and needed - but I feel the public should have access to a semi-comprehensive roster and their abilities.
Some of the few things that I’ve caught that people might not understand at a glance at the roster, alongside some stuff I personally would like cleared up (and others are free to reply to add or disagree with anything I’ve said thus far):
- What are advisors?
- Who is in charge of advisors?
- What powers do advisors have?
- Which ranks can perform events? What ranks can perform what kinds of events?
- Who handles player reports/staff reports?
- What is the difference between the maintainer team manager, and maintainer project lead?
- What is the difference between discord staff/volunteers? What are the differences in their duties?
- What are the different maintainer ranks, and what do they do?
- What are the mentor overseer/coordinator ranks? What are their responsibilities? What is required for these positions?
- What are the whitelist overseer/coordinator ranks? What are their responsibilities? What is required for these positions?
This isn’t a comprehensive list of things that should be clarified or cleared up or the only things that should be added, but I believe for the sake of transparency things should be listed according to responsibilities, or at least given a range instead of a generalized/vague description. The staff ranks page can always be edited - it isn’t permanent - so even if responsibilities shift or change, it can be altered. But I think this is a good way to go for player-staff transparency.