Heya I’ll try to answer some of the stuff regarding events.
Regarding events:
There is some public information regarding events, event authorization, standards, etc. over on the old forums. (although it could probably do with getting migrated over to these new forums) Staff Ranks, Code of Conduct, and Protocols (old Forum)
I’m not going to type that all so I’d encourage anyone curious to take a look over there.
What ranks can actually run what events can also be found over there or on our new fancy Staff Ranks, Code of Conduct and Protocols its listed in the staff role that gets access to the ability and transfers up the chain to higher ranking roles. There is some wiggle room and if someone has a great idea for an event but for example would need certain tools that they don’t have to run it then they can enlist the help of a staff member that has those tools to help run it with/for them. The event still needs to get approved and stuff like that so it still goes through the normal steps. And the event rights aren’t transferable, so for example while an admin can self-authorize minor events they can’t authorize them for another staff member.
Like I said there is some wiggle room to allow for good events to take place and since events can be a pretty organic thing within a round. So do keep this part of the event guidelines in mind:
The guidelines are not exhaustive but are spirit and intent-based.