Coordinates Calculator

This is an extension of my team leader guide (they will be using this calculator the most). This calculator allows you to get the coordinates of literally any tile on the map. It essentially takes the difference between the numbers in the webmap and the numbers in-game and keeps applying that same difference everytime you enter a new set of X and Y coordinates. Very simple stuff. A lot of people do the same thing but manually and with an actual calculator, this just makes it quicker and easier. I made this in less than an hour on my notepad even though I have literally zero programming knowledge (first thing I ever programmed!). Well, I say I “made” this but it was more like gutting something someone wrote many years ago and tailoring it to my needs. Anyways, seeing how I don’t have a website or anything from which I can set this up so others can use it remotely, you can get this calculator in one of three ways. I’ll begin with what I think is the best way to do it.

A program on your computer (with colors)

You will need to download Python first, then you’ll need to download an add-on that allows the use of color in the terminal. For the latter part, this video (skip to 1:10) does a good job of explaining how. It’s one command away in your command prompt, that’s it. With that out of the way, you can now set up your calculator. Simply create a new text document, paste this code…

The code
from colorama import init, Fore, Style

webmapSample_X_Coords = int(input(f'{Fore.RED}CALIBRATION:{Style.RESET_ALL} Enter the sample tile\'s X coordinates on the webmap: '))
webmapSample_Y_Coords = int(input(f'{Fore.RED}CALIBRATION:{Style.RESET_ALL} Enter the sample tile\'s Y coordinates on the webmap: '))
ingameSample_X_Coords = int(input(f'{Fore.RED}CALIBRATION:{Style.RESET_ALL} Enter the sample tile\'s X coordinates in the game: '))
ingameSample_Y_Coords = int(input(f'{Fore.RED}CALIBRATION:{Style.RESET_ALL} Enter the sample tile\'s Y coordinates in the game: '))

diffX = ingameSample_X_Coords - webmapSample_X_Coords
print('The difference between the X coordinates on the webmap and in-game =', diffX)

diffY = ingameSample_Y_Coords - webmapSample_Y_Coords
print('The difference between the Y coordinates on the webmap and in-game =', diffY)

print(f'{Fore.RED}The CMSS13 Coordinates Calculator has been calibrated.{Style.RESET_ALL}')
while True:
	webmapTarget_X_Coords = int(input('Enter the target tile\'s webmap X coordinates: '))
	def sum(webmapTarget_X_Coords, diffX):
		return (webmapTarget_X_Coords + diffX)
	webmapTarget_Y_Coords = int(input('Enter the target tile\'s webmap Y coordinates: '))
	def sum(webmapTarget_Y_Coords, diffY):
		return (webmapTarget_Y_Coords + diffY)
	print(f'In-game X and Y coordinates for the target tile are {Fore.RED}({sum(webmapTarget_X_Coords, diffX)},{sum(webmapTarget_Y_Coords, diffY)}){Style.RESET_ALL}')

…and save the file as .py (NOT .txt). You’re done!

A program on your computer (without colors)

You will need to download Python first, then just create a new text document, paste this code…

The code
webmapSample_X_Coords = int(input('CALIBRATION: Enter the sample tile\'s X coordinates on the webmap: '))
webmapSample_Y_Coords = int(input('CALIBRATION: Enter the sample tile\'s Y coordinates on the webmap: '))
ingameSample_X_Coords = int(input('CALIBRATION: Enter the sample tile\'s X coordinates in the game: '))
ingameSample_Y_Coords = int(input('CALIBRATION: Enter the sample tile\'s Y coordinates in the game: '))

diffX = ingameSample_X_Coords - webmapSample_X_Coords
print('The difference between the X coordinates on the webmap and in-game =', diffX)

diffY = ingameSample_Y_Coords - webmapSample_Y_Coords
print('The difference between the Y coordinates on the webmap and in-game =', diffY)

print('The CMSS13 Coordinates Calculator has been calibrated.')
while True:
	webmapTarget_X_Coords = int(input('Enter the target tile\'s webmap X coordinates: '))
	def sum(webmapTarget_X_Coords, diffX):
		return (webmapTarget_X_Coords + diffX)
	webmapTarget_Y_Coords = int(input('Enter the target tile\'s webmap Y coordinates: '))
	def sum(webmapTarget_Y_Coords, diffY):
		return (webmapTarget_Y_Coords + diffY)
	print(f'In-game X and Y coordinates for the target tile are ({sum(webmapTarget_X_Coords, diffX)},{sum(webmapTarget_Y_Coords, diffY)})')

…and save the file as .py (NOT .txt). You’re done!
no color

Running the program online

If you don’t want to bother with downloading anything, just open a new tab on your browser and search for “online python.” Choose whatever website you want, paste the code above, and you should have a functionally identical calculator.

Now that you have your calculator set up, open the webmap, find an easily identifiable spot near you, and follow the instructions in the calculator. Once you’ve calibrated it, you can get the coordinates of any spot on the map by simply referring to the webmap and inputting the X and Y coordinates.

I don’t really care what you do with this code. Hell, you can change it and host it online so that people don’t have to go through all this, that’s fine by me. A link to this page would be nice, that’s all!

I claim the title of the JTAC mafia’s Godfather. The Don, maybe.


This shit goes so far against the spirit of the game it’s not even funny. Major L for using it, and you’re actively harming the game by spreading it.


I can count off the top of my head a bunch of regulars that do this either manually or do the math in their heads (which sometimes fails spectacularly and ends up OB’ing a completely opposite direction. You know who you are lol). This does the same thing but faster. Trust me, this won’t have any significant effect - the number of people that actually do this does not exceed 2 or 3 in a high-pop round, and even that is a big stretch.


waiting for the comments insulting u to come in

I don’t mind. But if we’re gonna go after calculators, well, I haven’t seen anyone hating on OT calculators, even though there are OT players that’ll pump out 12-15 mini HE OB mortar shells in 10-15 minutes with “pastebin recipes” as some xenomorphs have called them. And trust me, the OT calculator is used a lot more frequently than any homemade coordinates calculator.

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This group of power gamers uses this calculator so I should be able to launch OBs wherever I want at any time

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alrighty, forest says this is fine.


You can achieve this a lot easier just by modifying the webmap coords using the “inspect” function in your browser.

Open the script, modify the coords to match the coords in-game (in the example I am adding 999 to y and retracting 999 from x).

Press Crtl + S (in chrome) to save the changes.

Now the webmap uses your coordinates:

For the record, I never used this and I agree that this is pretty lame.


Never even heard of this, luv my artillery gameplay. Thanks for posting this gonna try it out soonish

Xeno players when Marines use artillery as actual indirect fire, its not fair they only have a giant red warning in the text box and loud ass audio que to get the fuck out of the way. And that’s assuming the fight hasn’t been taken to an area where arty cant hit anyway cause either metal roof or caves. It just simply aint fair and balanced

Yeah in the spirit of Team work this is kinda… Eh.

But in the spirit of imaginary military, we already have a TacMap which shows us where stuff is. And what buildings are what. Not really a stretch that we just plug in numbers after looking them on a map.
Like 6-8 Figure Grid Reference Maps.

If they really didn’t want this we could make mortar slightly more mathy by have giving it firing arcs, elevations and charge power… But that’s just gonna change the math being used. It wouldn’t be that hard to adjust for it. Nor would it make mortar more interesting or anything.

At most you can hammer key locations you think the benos are sitting by yourself. But I mean you’re not gonna know your effective without a spotter anyway? Funny Flare Shells will generally give away your intent.

And we have funny flare shells that mean mortar men can scout for themselves. Even somewhat limitedly.

Just be a real man do the math in your head and explode the marine frontline.


”Check out the big brain on Brad!”

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Trust me, an OT with his calculator giving dozens of privates a crate of HE maxcap grenades will have more impact on any round than two dudes using this (as opposed to doing the math in their heads, which takes just seconds longer if you know how to add and subtract in your head).

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Trust me bro

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Peralta aim is about to take on a whole new meaning…


I continue to find it amusing how controversial this comes across yet for years its been considered fine to do it.

However, a mortar operator who is god-tier with using coords is very much a noticeable force and I have seen them singlehandedly hold off a siege or even turn the tide of a battle.


This was me before I figured this out. I used to get the coordinates of every possible avenue of approach and just mark ‘em on a screenshot of the webmap in Microsoft paint. Which for a FOB siege is actually superior to a calculator, it’s just a bit tedious.


Well at least we can finally put to rest the question of “is this allowed or not” that pops up every so often.

Next step is to PR an update that does this automatically for CIC in order for them to plan any OB location at will.

Honestly I’m kinda conflicted on the soul aspect of it all. On one hand it makes complete sense that we would have cords of the entire colony to drop both OB and Mortar with ease. On the other hand it’s 10/10 when a SL lazes DANGER CLOSE and manages to wipe out the FOB hold during a siege or whatever. Lasing for OB/Mortar cords and relaying them is one of the cornerstones of teamwork, communication and trust the game play loop provides.

Anyways certain mortar mains have been using some sort of calculator for a long time now and they’ve made noticeable impact in certain rounds but I honestly don’t think it’s insanely game breaking.