Cope Thread

Without FF, every round would be a marine major.

The shockwave blast of OBs killing face huggers, & lesser drones makes running/hiding from OBs near impossible.

Xenos being able to target hands and feet instead of just the chest which is the most heavily armored to cause major lasting damage with crits taking off limbs, or even heads if head is targetted is a massive boost to the killing power of xenos that isn’t quite equal to the unimportance of marines’ limb targeting when it comes to xenos.
Therefore, the marines ability to target limbs only causes problems with random damage to marines, as intentional HVH is so scarce, that healing one’s self is more likely to cause drastic damage to other marines when not targeting the chest which can protect against non-ap rounds more effectively than other parts of the body.

The ability for crushers to power stomp through chest armor immediately following a stun to cause chest fractures and bleeding is a massive exploit that will cause marines to inflict lung damage on himself with splints not lasting for a lot of damage, taking a very long time to self-apply, and massive consequences for not putting up treating it.

Now it’s your turn.
Write some copy/pasta-worthy cope that no one will care about.

If you don’t show us your dose of cope, who will??

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I htinjk stims are op


Demoting CE to 2nd LT was a crime.


If you have 70hrs in the role you can be a 1st LT again.

Onto the cope, remove lesser drones please…

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You are messing with me. That is not true.

It’s true. There was a rank update

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