Counter to synth/pred crawl meta.

You and your hive homies managed to bodyblock a synth or a pred into a corner and are now slashing them to death? Well, too bad, fucker, the synth may just type sv_cheats 1 and godmode in console and then crawl out of the bodyblock as if it’s nothing! Pred can just stealth and crawl under all the xenos too.

This is very annoying. Henceforth, I propose a new xenomorph ability - the ass slam. If a crawling target is under you, you may ass slam them and depending on your xeno class, either heavily damage them or gib outright. This would make every crawl strategy a gamble. Right now a synth can just rp as a worm with little to no consequences, which seems wrong to me. Seems very failrp is what I’m getting at.
Yes, Bishop did crawl in that fucking tunnel in aliens the second aliens movie where there were marines and also xenomorphs (multiple, which is why it was called aliens and not alien 2, there were more than two aliens) but this just means that synths should be able to use tunnels to crawl into the hive. Have we seen synths crawl under xenos in the movie? Nuh uh is what I am saying.




What a champ.


im such a fucking beast that its uncanny sometimes


Remember that scouts can juke them aswell.

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I didnt realize they could do that. Its actually kinda funny

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this looks so frustrating lol

nhons rebranded as worm larpers after this blatant violation of spirit of the whitelist :wink:


your mother is doing the worm on my bed


T pose and scream “America Fuck Ya” at them.

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Hivelord ass slam should just gib them

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alright thats cool buddy…could i get a big booty queen to ass slam a PFC…uh could i get a big mac aswell?


Don’t trust the opinion of a man that constantly changes his PFC.