I Ahelped this event and was told to make a report
I am GL spec and have my weapon stowed. Around 1:20 round time in the shrubland of Kutjevo, Pred Khon is fighting a PvT as group of us walk up. PvT switches to machete.
Watching I utter a single word “based.” The Pred-player downs the PvT and starts coming after me with clan weapon wielded. No one other than the original private had fired so in confusion I asked “what did I do?” while getting put to crit damage and 2 fracs. I retreat to FOB to get fracs fixed.
Not only are you worthy regardless of this, but you decide to walk up close to me and say ‘based’ while I kill your friends in front of you without as much as a flinch on your part, let alone the common decency of helping your fellow marine in a fight or at least running away.
You’re lucky I didn’t HPC and decapitate you because I’m sure some other preds would’ve obliged
edit : the report also says ‘front line’ but we weren’t at the front
Hello! While the council appreciates the report, this can be cleared up quickly without the use of logs. You claim they broke the Honor Code in regards to “Rule2) Honorcode: Front-line”, yet in your description you seem to take issue that you were hunted after watching your fellow marine die?
Specialists are not un-huntable, neither does acting like a spectator make you immune to being targetted. This report is denied, in future please ask any available councillors if you believe the Honor Code has been broken rather than conflicting your own report with seperate reasonings!