Crusad3r3579 - Sticky Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Colt Washington
Type of Ban?
Sticky Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Not sure, does not say when I try to connect to the server.
Total Ban Duration
I believe indefinite? Unsure.
Remaining Duration
What other servers do you play on?
Paradise Station
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
Rule 7 Ban Evasion & Multikeying.
Links to previous appeals:
Your appeal:
I am not quite sure how I got banned. I introduced my friend to this server not too long ago and I believe he was banned for EORG but me and his accounts are entirely separate. I have had minimal notes on this server and on Paradise. My time on this server is not too incredibly long but I have a fair amount of time on Paradise. I just wanted to get my account unbanned so I can play on the server again. I have been playing on the server far longer than he has and I don’t know if it was just a IP thing? I do not really know how these bans work but I didn’t quite understand why I was banned as I just logged on today to see I was banned for his account. I can go further in on details if you need any clarifications but I am unsure what would be sufficient evidence to prove I am not multikeying?