Cryosleep - Rudy 'Kraut' Acker/Obscurify

A lot of people don’t know me that well, that’s fine, I’ve been a transient regular here since ~2015 probably, but today I resigned from the Mentor team for a myriad of reasons that honestly aren’t related to anything recent. It’s been on my mind for months now, I just don’t have the time anymore. Other regular characters I’ve played are Atsushi Hayate and Jake ‘Mute’ Harris, not sure if anyone has recognized me running around like a crackhead. Though Rudy was my first character.

To say the least, CM just isn’t really hitting right anymore. Beyond the new community dramas every other week because of something staff or management related (not throwing shade, genuinely, the staff team gets enough shit), the player/staff disconnect is real and it really shouldn’t be that deep, and it’s just not my tempo. After all, this is literally just an autistic 2d spessman game where we shoot xenos or frag marines.

I put an inordinate amount of time to spreading out my knowledge and trying new things as much as possible to improve my repertoire of knowledge as a Mentor to teach all of you, the players, and found that it was generally just a joyless waste of time (for me) after the passing of my best friend in January who introduced me to CM way back when and would frequently jump on the server with me, even when I became a Mentor and there was a mentor/player disconnect. Me and a couple other friends almost never jumped on CM without eachother. Yuri ‘Painter’ Vivorshky, if anyone ever knew him. I’ve spent a lot of my time arguing with people on the forums or just in all honesty being kind of toxic but I never really meant it in that context, so, sorry if I ever bothered or offended anyone with that. I’ll likely still jump on occasionally, but since the beginning I’ve always been a greytider on base tg-code servers.

All of my oldhead CM buddies are gone- banned now from the increasing list of overbearing, micromanaging rules or having just quit a long time ago. I’ve watched pretty much every community drama unfold from the sidelines- Apophis (first host) resigning for reasons I won’t discuss here, CM’s code being leaked by one of the top management members- the list goes on and it’s been pretty fun to lurk and watch, but it’s just not worth my time anymore. I still love all you goofy goobers, even if you don’t know me, because lurking in the background and watching things unfold has always been my modus operandi. The stupid briefing antics, the squad-comms banter, command and brig dramas- deadchat malding, all of these things have brought me entertainment and this community has kept me going when things got rough. But, the interest just isn’t there anymore for me because the gameplay loop has gotten stale and life is starting to unfold pretty fast. This has gotten pretty long-winded, but as I said, I’ll probably still jump on for a round or two occasionally.

i return once again to my lurking ways

homer bushes


See you next week cheng

For real tho. I will miss you. Good luck with life.


See you next week or not. Live long and prosper.

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