EORG - Generating combat logs with, or otherwise griefing, friendly/allied players. by ltnts (Admin) on 2024-05-12 11:00:28 (ID: 22165)
Banned for Rule 10: Lethal Force - Player was disarmed by another player a few times. He then responded by Firing his SADAR at him point blank, gibbing him. Later he killed himself with a shotgun. by tysonix1 (Moderator) on 2024-10-29 20:59:31 (ID: 24577)
Both bans were timed bans, that were served and are no longer in-effect.
Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?
Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?
I, personally, understand what it is like to have interesting roleplay lines reach a dead end when high command needs to be contacted and so I would like to be there to respond to someone else as needed. Similarly, I also really enjoy paperwork roleplay and I’ve had a very fun time playing around with all the paper code in PvE
What do you consider the purpose of this role?
The purpose of fax responders is to:
A) Be a tool for roleplay and interaction, through immersion, for whichever faction you represent. Roles like MP and the Corporate Liaison rely on a Higher Power to answer and report to, and it makes everyones’ experience better if they do get someone above to talk and roleplay with as needed.
e.g Command Staff being asked for status reports is an interesting, and immersive concept.
e.g Corporate Liaison being given simple tasks for the companys’ benefit is an interesting and immersive concept, and is vital to their role
B) Be a relay to Admin Staff through the messages faxed to them, as SOP and ML often call for High Command/Provost to be informed, and informing them via fax is an interesting IC method to do so rather than ahelping. Fax Responders help to make the world, again, more immersive by making the round seem like one slice of a much longer campaign and world.
What is your playtime in Command Roles?
What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?
11.2 (I’m working on it)
What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?
What is your playtime in Civil Roles?
What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?
Only “Special Role” playtime I know of is the Corporate Goons & Corporate Visitors in regards to the Research Chemical event that fires.
cracks knuckles
My only real question is the most important one of all, based on the Fax Responder rules. What counts as ‘extreme circumstances’ to actually use the phone to call the Almayer?
Very, very, very important information on the scale of “Someone has faxxed me they are about to come and shoot you” and I believe it to be true, and you are ignoring the fax I sent you which tells you that.
And despite that, I would likely ahelp in this scenario, I cannot think of many scenarios where I would need to use the phone to relay information instead of a fax machine.
That’s a pretty valid choice. Fax responders do have to ahelp before doing anything really big like saying that they’ll send reinforcements (unless you meme and go like ‘Lmao they are 2 days away good luck guys.’)
If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?
As the Weyland-Yutani responder; objectives should be realistic for a corporate entity to issue, and should avoid being antagonistic or sabotaging to the Marines.
Interview survivor(s) from the colony, piece together what happened planetside.
Report what Research discovers about the XX-121.
Survey X building (preferrably near the FOB) for damage; take pictures and report findings.
Convince the acting Commander to commit to non-disclosure, or to commit to minimising colony destruction. (Although most CLs do this of their own volition, this should probably be reserved for newer CLs)
If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?
As the Free Press Respondent; your objectives should be realistic for a News Editor to issue a Civilian or Combat Correspondent. (“What would J. Jonah Jameson say?”)
Record an interview with the Commanding Officer
Record an interview with the Chief Medical Officer
Record an interview with the Gunship Pilot, about the effectiveness of the UD-4 (Probably a Combat Correspondent objective).
Record a Normandy Fire Mission
Record a mortar strike
Interview five Marines planetside, with combat as the backdrop.
Get a picture of a Praetorian-class, Ravager-class, Boiler-class, Crusher-class Xenomorph