DarthLich171037 - Fax Responder Application

Fax Responder Application - DarthLich171037

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Carl Anderson

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:


Have you been banned in the last 3 months?

No, only warned (Rule 10)

If so, why?

Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?

Yes, I have read them.

Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?

To provide more in-round RP situations for different roles. Mostly to Liasions of Company of course, since they’re the role which rely on faxes the most.

What do you consider the purpose of this role?

To keep various people interested thorought the round, be it Military Police who reported a difficult case, Corporate Liasion faxing a Company about his foundings or even some Executive Officer writing a quick update to USCM Higher Command. While Fax Responders probably lacking tools to affect game directly - their impact in communicating with players thorough faxes is still a great deal to make usual default round less generic. Of course they have a rules to follow as well in their answers, yes. But even a short and dry answer to your fax is far better than total lack of it.

When would you consider it appropriate to use your phone?

I’m not sure about which phone the question is. If we’re talking about possible phone in Fax Responder office - then I really think that since our one and only means of communication with USS Almayer is faxes - I should stick to them, without phone usage.

If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?

Perhaps to locate (with help of bribed IO or marines perhaps) some piece of intel or something from surface, maybe something like ID card of local Liasion if they’re dead or even documents from Colony Supervisor’s office.
Or perhaps, if Liasion state in their faxes that Commander of USS Almayer are tolerant to Company - maybe a task to learn about their weaknesses or to know how to get such officer(s) completely on our side.
Of course, those are just a few of examples - each round may have different circumstances which may provide different opportunities.

If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?

Not quite sure about this one, but Combat Correspondent definetely could be tasked with making some agitational videos and recordings to spread later. As for Civilian Correspondent… perhaps to uncover what secrets Company tries to hide in their frontier colonies, maybe even to interview the survivors before CL could meet them.

What is your playtime in Command Roles?

ASO - 19.4, SO - 6.3 hours

What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?

CMP - 25.7, MW - 12.7, MP - 11.3 hours

What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?

CL - 95.1 hours

What is your playtime in Civil Roles?

CC - 1.7 hours

What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?

No, not yet.

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