Daveyish - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - Daveyish

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Svato Plink

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:


Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?

Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

Very, I’ve dedicated lots of my time to gathering feedback to try and improve any faults that I’ve had.

Hours in XO:


Hours in SL:


Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

Plink first enlisted in the USCM to get his green card, later taking a break to get a degree, but after gaining it he couldn’t see himself continuing with his chosen career path, moving onto officer school. After rising to the rank of Captain, Plink experienced something horrible, the only way to redeem it being further servitude to the UA.

How did your character attain the position of CO?

After the catastrophe that happened on LV-889, Plink’s workaholic nature couldn’t see the USS Soma without a commanding officer.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

I would only pardon if the situation calls for it, a marine being remourseful wouldn’t suffice for me personally, I would ONLY pardon if I knew that they wouldn’t do it again.
The pardon in my eyes, acts as a tool to get someone out of brig immediatly, and completely skip the appeal process if it was even applicable in the first place, something in the situation has to CALL for a pardon.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

A doctor mixes the wrong chemicals, making a small explosion within chemistry and afterwards being brigged by the MP’s for DTGP. Despite the remourseful attitude of the doctor, he is NOT pardoned unless the medical department is highly understaffed.

The first example applies to any role, such as specialist, Squad lead etcetera. Unless the marine who was arrested is currently pivotal, they should serve their sentence and not be pardoned because they have a special role.

As I mentioned in example one, I would pardon a doctor who has done something insignificant and I’m sure that they wouldn’t be a repeat offender due to them being pivotal to the operation’s success and being trustworthy enough not to make me regret my pardon.

When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

Battlefield Execution is a tool in the CO’s arsenal which should be used sparingly due to it removing a person from the round entirely.
For example, I’d utilize a BE when the military police are not present to stop a threat that is directly affecting my life. I would much rather have military police detain the culprit to engage further roleplay unless they show no intention of acting in character.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

I’m groundside along with my honor guard assisting the operation run smoothly, prioritizing on relaying info to CIC and utilizing JTAC. One of my MP’s goes down, and a private runs up pushing the corpsman treating him, doomsaying that the operation is FUBAR and that the MP will die anyway. I warn the Private to stop, drawing my Mateba. The Private continues being an obstruction in the Corpsman’s work. The Private is BE’d.

Delegating the operation to the XO and my Lieutenants, I go to research to investigate a supposed report from an MT that the research department has had quarrel with the Liasion and locked him within one of their cells. I move inside, seeing a researcher laughing at the CL who is shaking next to an opened egg within the cell. Seeing as there are no MP’s, I BE the researcher for unauthorized keeping of a foreign lifeform on the ship, along with commiting a crime against humanity.

There is no XO awake and CIC is currently on lockdown due to a shipside threat. There is a tight FOB siege and only one Lieutenant sits with me in the CIC. After a brief moment the Lieutenant gets out of his seat and begins to bicker at me to lift the CIC lockdown and let him out. I deny, justifying my decision that I need his eyes on the FOB, giving out precise and accurate callouts. He begins shoving me, yelling at me further. The Lieutenant is BE’d for risking a plethora of marine lives.

It’s about 50 minutes into the operation, I’ve not heard anything about the Normandy except for the Pilot always having an offset set on marine positions, comically so. The Pilot is awfully silent on comms. Me and a team of MP’s move to the dropship after it returns from flyby, taking him away from his post straight to the brig. He is not BE’d, but rather charged with NoD and Manslaughter.


Here are my overall hours on marine for anyone wondering.


The lonely static seems to plink himself at night it seems. This dude is tons of fun, and his command capabilities are phenomenal. Theres people with upwards of thousands of hours in command roles that couldnt hold a candle to him. He’s quite adept at roleplay, even going so far as to add tiny details to the most minute and mundane of scenarios. I’d be delighted to see Major Svato Plink. +1!!


Svato Plink is a very great commander, I have had the opportunity to be under his command for SEVERAL rounds. In my opinion, he is one of the better commanders I have seen as of late, and I have seen a lot. I extend my support to this fella as long as I live. +1

  • John Ravioli

Usually I keep it short, but I want to extend my +1 here, and I’ll tell you why;

The player has been a friend of mine for a good time, and has recently gotten into CMSS13. Sure, they are somewhat new, but I think they have become a very good player that has left good impressions on multiple members of the community. At first, they mostly kept to themselves as I taught them how to play the game, or explain the workings of different roles. The player always wanted to engage in multiple types of roles to learn parts of the game, and has found himself comfortable in CIC.

After getting more comfortable in the game, he began interacting with people I’d introduce him to, and furthermore start talking to people on his own. He would always ask how he can improve, what he could do better, and was overall super friendly. He loves roleplaying with other people, he loves roleplaying with my character, his friends, and anyone. I’ve got to say, his character growth over the entire time I’ve seen him play this game has been amazing.

I know he has reached out to multiple people, including myself, for assistance. I fully trust this player to make good decisions, even in the heat of the moment. They do not play this game just to “frag out,” and they love to leave good impressions on people and overall improve rounds. It has been an absolute joy to see you blossom in the community, and I’ve heard nothing but good graces about you. His hours may seem low to people who absolutely no life this game like me, but that is just a testament to how competent he truly is, putting the people of this game first to improve the atmosphere of any round.

I don’t care if you think the name Plink is unserious. It’s such a charm to see the character he plays so seriously have such an addicting name to say. I wish you the best, bro. Your development has been phenomenal, and I hope that the councilors that have not seen you get to catch you play during your application. I can’t +1 this enough. If you somehow don’t make it into this application, you will easily get it for the next one. Love you man, don’t sweat it, and good luck.

-professional vampire killer and devil destroyer aidel curran the greatest


+1 guy actually cares about roleplay he’s a pretty good pick


I’ve found that in the CIC, understandably, XO’s and CO’s tend to favour and mainly interact with friends/vetted CIC players. As someone who has been playing a lot of SO recently trying to get into it, Plink has definitely been a highlight of my rounds and makes an effort to talk to everybody including all the SO’s. They’re fairly active, communicative and try to engage in a bit of RP when they can. They’re also no stranger to leading operations and I’d say they’re already on the level of a CO player when it comes to that.

That’s a +1 for sure.


rare rickshaw sighting, eddietruthers notified

Most of what I have to say has already been said; Plink’s come a long way in such a short time.

I’ve known the player behind the Plink for a while now, pre-CM, where him and I would play on a separate roleplaying game. He’s no stranger to molding a story, both in game and writing. A nineteen-page document of finely crafted meticulous detail is a perfect illustration of Plink’s deal.

Playing with you is lit, bro. +1


Hi there!

Thanks for taking the time to engage with the CO whitelist!

I am just dropping into this thread to unfortunately share some concerns I have over the written portions of your application, and some areas I feel could use some clarifications.

In regards to your character information

Upon reading the first portions of this application, it’s a little bit striking how barebones your character information sections end up being.

Even if only a summary of your CO story, your character information responses are far too brief, and provide next to no actual information about your character beyond their promotional timeline, and that they are a workaholic.

This is in sharp contrast to your amazingly formatted story, which I was blown away to see and read.

After clearly working so hard on your CO story itself, its a shame to see you effectively shoot yourself in the foot by providing such short answers in summary of it.

20 pages of writing shows outstanding dedication to the craft, and overall I’m really impressed to see it!

Next, on to your Pardon responses

First things first, while something of a nit-pick, someone undergoing the process of appeal is contesting the charge itself, and by pardoning someone of a crime, you are indirectly asserting their guilt of whatever charge it was.

Pardoning someone of a charge they are contesting will probably not fall under the required remorse you’ve mentioned prior.

But again, just a nit-pick

Perhaps I’m just misreading your application, but I was wondering if you could clarify two seemingly contradictory pardon answers in your first and third paragraphs?

Small explosions happen in the chemline, they are a pain, but they are an accident.

DTGP is most likely a minor crime in this case, especially considering the fact that 99% of doctors who do this were just messing with chemicals as a result of them being new to the role or the game itself.

I dont understand how in paragraph one, an accidental explosion from a new doctor with all signs of remorse is met with the force of the law, but then in paragraph three, you begin your example with:

Is minor DTGP insignificant to the point it would qualify them for pardon? Or isn’t it?

Im sure this is just a matter of misinterpretation, so if you could clarify at all, that would be great.

Some minor points on your BE responses

A little point to test you, but out of interest, what crime would “unauthorized keeping of a foreign lifeform on the ship” constitute?

I feel a bit weird about this answer you’ve provided, and was wondering if you could clear some things up regarding it?

In this scenario, arresting the CAS pilot for bad offsets based on verbal reports, without having seen any evidence of their strikes first hand through the cameras, despite how allegedly frequent his offset FF incidents have been, seems like quite a dramatic escalation.

Charging the pilot for NoD and manslaughter without any efforts to gather evidence or a chance to explain their actions in person is not a good look for your Command, especially since you are responsible for ordering their arrest.

They may arrest and hold that person for ten minutes after they have reached the brig while they gather evidence. Should the suspect be declared innocent of all accused crimes, the requesting officer may incur a Prevarication charge

In the event that the Marines have overstated or exaggerated the misconduct of the pilot, it will be your head that rolls for not conducting investigations prior to the arrest.

I’d urge you to reconsider your methods in this scenario.

Even if the Pilot does end up deserving arrest, make sure you have done your due diligence beforehand.

In conclusion, sorry to have arrived in this thread to be the questions guy! I’ve seen you here and there in game, and overall, I’ve been quite happy with your personal conduct and professionalism.

Best of luck for the rest of your application, and here’s to hoping I can be back with my endorsement in no time!


Hi there Plink, I’ve seen you around. Its nice to see you show an interest in CO. I wanted to throw a few questions your way to get a better idea of how your character thinks about things. I’m not council, so don’t feel pressured to respond.

Below is a series of five short scenarios, some are pretty clear cut, some are a little more complicated. I’m curious what you’d do in these scenarios.

  • You are deployed groundside on Kutjevo Refinery. After a flank attempt from the Queen failed, you’ve managed to gain momentum. To get through a choke, you call in an OB, incendiary. Your coordinates are perfectly fine but when the shot is fired, it lands roughly ten west of where you intended it to land- scorching your frontline and killing five marines. Command comms starts screaming about a misfueling, and the ASO and XO are at eachother’s throats. Your men can hold the hive off and get these men up. What does Plink do?

  • You are shipside aboard the Almayer. Suddenly a tech purchase is made without your knowledge when you ask about it, the XO begins getting snippy at you, and generally being patronizing. One of your SOs agrees with the XO on the purchase, while the other is expressing his frustration with the Captain for wasting points. What does Plink do?

  • Its lowpop, briefing, you have no MPs. A marine breaks into the bubble mid briefing and sits down in a chair next to you. He starts cracking jokes and giving fake orders out loud., and marines are becoming distracted by him. What does Plink do?

  • A Visiting Officer (Major rank) arrives in CIC and is generally disrespectful to you and your CIC staff. All of you are currently standing in the middle of CIC and things are getting tense. What does Plink do?

  • Its highpop. All Command slots are filled, including departmental heads. Its your XO’s first ever XO round, and they’ve told you as such. Your SOs are all generally green. There is absolutely no groundside leadership with all SLs rather MEDEVAC’d or dead, marines are scattered to the winds, not paying attention and your XO seems overwhelmed. You are currently on the Almayer. An MP calls you for an appeal, while a researcher claims he needs you in research now to publish a stimulant. A CT is asking for help with requestions because he is alone. The Liaison is asking you to sign an NDA. Everyone seems to want your attention, but you are only one man. What does Plink do? Where are his priorities?


Hello, thanks for your reply, I’ll do my best to answer your questions.

I wished for the document to convey most of what was asked to me character-wise, but I’ll expand on it:

An unnoticeable Captain sitting in the shadow of Major Lobkowitz aboard the Soma, Plink’s name never did stand out amongst the thousands of others on the ever-expanding roster of USCM officers, yet after Lobkowitz’s unfortunate passing there was a big hole to be filled. Lobkowitz was cocky, sure, but there’s no denying his attitude was more than justified with the amount of victories the Soma had under its belt. After the Soma departed to Chinook from LV-889, an extensive investigation was led on the entire “operation”, trying to grasp what happened. What looked like a nightmare made up of paperwork turned into something in Plink’s favor, receiving a recommendation instead of the reprimand he expected. The hole that Plink was to fill after Lobkowitz was big, sure, but due to the shit he’s been through with the marines of the Soma he had newfound confidence and a sense of obligation to take the post.

Apologies if the pardon answers seemed hectic, what I wished to convey is how sparingly I’d use them, let me reiterate:

What I meant with the examples involving the doctor, is that even the player being new to the role wouldn’t constitute a pardon unless he is pivotal to the operation. As for my appeal wording, that was a wordburger that spouted out of me, but I’m sure you knew what I meant.

I’ll give a further example as to how sparingly I’d use the pardon:

A CT is bridged for Major DTGP for breaking into squad-specific rooms and gathering metal, he is our only Comtech yet he has expressed that he will not be building FOB, and will move to the front. He is NOT pardoned.

Regarding the situation with the researcher, the crime would be Sedition.

I apologize for failing to specify that atleast some form of evidence of the GP intentionally FF’ing would have to be granted.

Overall thank you for your response, I hope my answers are sufficing.


Hey Aalto, thanks for your answer.

I’ll do my best to word how Plink would react:

In response to the misfueling, Plink would find it hard to keep his cool, lashing out at the XO and ASO to stop wasting time with useless bickering and focus on the matter at hand. After reprimanding the officers, all that is left to do is not lose the momentum, recover the marines and carry on hoping the two officers don’t murder eachother.

The Captain would be told to keep his temper in control, snipping back at him. Although there is a clash of ideas, there is no need to get jumpy. Plink reprimands the XO to run any future tech purchases by him, and continues with the operation.

First an order is given for the marine to get out of the bubble immediatly, and if he does not comply he’d be removed by force. There’s no need to make an example of someone if it isn’t needed, the marine is only ungaing about and is not facing a threat.

Plink barks back at the Major, reprimanding him to keep his tongue on a leash towards his marines. If bark comes to bite, Plink wouldn’t hesitate.

Although I’d love to roleplay a lashout in a situation like this since it checks off all the criteria of a situation that Plink would snap in, for the sake of the XO’s game experience, he’d keep his cool.
To stabilize the commanding situation, all marines are ordered to FOB.
The Liasion is completely dismissed, I request that he leaves the CIC during a moment like this.
As for the researcher, that is a departmental issue that the CMO can handle.
I give a quick pep talk to the XO and fully focus to assisting him in the CIC.

I hope my answers fulfilled your expectations even though some are more short than others.


hello, skipper

this player has reached out to me OOCly for many facets of CO, as well as his story, and both in terms of roleplay and mechanics i’ve had nothing but positive experiences with him

Davey, don’t let the nitpicks worry you, and just make a mental note of what to correct. it’s hard to come up with complicated scenarios for pardons and BEs - i know it felt like doing mental gymnastics on my app - and we often overthink them here so much we forget to consider certain aspects of the decision making process: that almost never happens in person. i had bad answers on my app in the whitelistees’ eyes and i turned out fine, and so will you



I don’t know what to really say , other than this guy is awesome. I really enjoyed interacting with him, his roleplay led to alot of memorable and funny moments, he’s a real one for sure and a great friend. +1


levelheaded, humble player, never seen them be toxic ever.

Never afraid to ask for help or for feedback on their play, and takes it to heart instead of seeing it as an attack on their character.

Any concerns that they may have with their understanding of the CO guidelines I am convinced you could sort out with them in a single conversation.

The CO whitelist needs Major Plink. +1


I trained this player when they were a mere PVT.
Personally, I’ve never really had any particularly good nor particularly bad experiences, but the fact you’ve never been toxic, aren’t afraid to ask for help, etc makes me think that you’ll probably make a good CO with some more experience under your belt.

Never stop learning. Mentor seal of approval. Even though my opinion is completely irrelevant as a non-WL’d player.


Just had a round with you where I was a SO. You made a decent plan, you showcased your RP abilities very well. Even though marines didn’t fully execute your plan as you wanted it, you adapted to it greatly and gave constant, well thought out orders without ever going silent.



More than capable XO player, clearly competent with CIC, roleplays well, has a consistent character.

Fly high, Captain Plink.


  • From me. One of the first Captain’s I interacted with as a new player.
    Good RP. Good CiC. Good Interactions all around. Good Character. Enjoyable to play with.

I’ve interacted with Plink on numerous roles and he has proven to be a level-headed and compassionate player every single time. He is knowledgeable and not afraid to own up to his faults. This player can very clearly uphold a level of roleplay that I endorse, and I think he would make a great addition to the whitelist. +1