DawsonKeyes - Player Report: Caden ‘Inept’ Thomas, Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 4: No griefing
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Dawson Keyes
Accused character name:
Caden ‘Inept’ Thomas
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 4: No Griefing
Description of the incident:
Throughout the entirety of the round, Caden repeatedly went out of their way to disarm, grab, tableslam, and generally harass me (the liaison) to the point of it far exceeding anything that could reasonably considered valid in rp. At no point did they engage with me or the MPs beyond running away, disarming us, or trying to grab us and steal items, and they repeatedly went out of their way to deconstruct the CL office for no discernible reason save harassment, even going so far as to tell MPs that they were doing it solely for the sake of being annoying - and after serving a brig sentence and being talked to by the SEA, they immediately returned to doing it again for the simple sake of causing trouble and being a nuisance. At no point did they look to talk to anyone save when they were forcefully confined in the brig, and I believe that this complete and utter lack of engagement, whilst seeking to do nothing but annoy and inconvenience or otherwise disrupt the round for others, breaks both rule two (“low roleplay actions that have no regard for your character or the setting”) and rule four (“the intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or the server without a valid roleplay reason”).
- One could reasonably argue that this also falls under not being a dick, but this is lengthy as it is
I took no screenshots or videos over the course of the round, but the entirety of it was witnessed by moderation staff (Skycrafter)