DawsonKeyes - Player Report: Caden 'Inept' Thomas, Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 4: No griefing

DawsonKeyes - Player Report: Caden ‘Inept’ Thomas, Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 4: No griefing

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Dawson Keyes

Accused character name:

Caden ‘Inept’ Thomas

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 2: Roleplay, Rule 4: No Griefing

Description of the incident:

Throughout the entirety of the round, Caden repeatedly went out of their way to disarm, grab, tableslam, and generally harass me (the liaison) to the point of it far exceeding anything that could reasonably considered valid in rp. At no point did they engage with me or the MPs beyond running away, disarming us, or trying to grab us and steal items, and they repeatedly went out of their way to deconstruct the CL office for no discernible reason save harassment, even going so far as to tell MPs that they were doing it solely for the sake of being annoying - and after serving a brig sentence and being talked to by the SEA, they immediately returned to doing it again for the simple sake of causing trouble and being a nuisance. At no point did they look to talk to anyone save when they were forcefully confined in the brig, and I believe that this complete and utter lack of engagement, whilst seeking to do nothing but annoy and inconvenience or otherwise disrupt the round for others, breaks both rule two (“low roleplay actions that have no regard for your character or the setting”) and rule four (“the intent of one player wanting to cause grief or annoyance to other players or the server without a valid roleplay reason”).

  • One could reasonably argue that this also falls under not being a dick, but this is lengthy as it is


I took no screenshots or videos over the course of the round, but the entirety of it was witnessed by moderation staff (Skycrafter)


Hello, Caden here.
So, I started messing with the CL after the “medbay policy change” or whatever it was named, where you had to pay for healthcare.
The CL said something along the lines of “about time this happened”, and it was heavily implied that corporate had something to do with that, so I decided it would be funny to tableslam them.
I have attempted to tableslam them, but failed to do so.
I was pepper sprayed while trying to tableslam the CL again.
After I got pepper sprayed, I shoved the CL, and took his briefcase.
When I took his briefcase, I decided that the best thing to do was to throw it back into their office, just to mess with them.
Considering that the shutter covering the door to CLs office was closed, I decided to go look for tools to take out one window, taking the briefcase with me.

When I came back to the office, before I could do anything to it, I saw the CL approaching with a gun in hand. Keep in mind, the only thing I did beforehand was shoving him and taking his briefcase.
When I run in the opposite direction, the CMP bumps into me.
I try to drop the briefcase and bail, as I am wanted for stealing the CLs briefcase, but before I can do so, the CL walks up behind me, and unloads a mag into me with his electropistol.
When the CMP starts cuffing me (while i am stunned on the ground) and CL unloads another mag into me. the CMP stops cuffing me, and starts batoning the CL instead.
I get up, grab the CLs electropistol, and decide to hide it somewhere, since I didnt want to get shot agian.
The CL runs after me, and I run into another MP. The MP in question tazes me and starts cuffing me. The CL grabs the electro pistol, and unloads another mag into me while I am cuffed on the ground.
The MP then fumbles, I break free, and run off agian.

After that happened, I decide that I will take some of the windows from CLs office (remember that this is AFTER the CL dumps 3 mags into me). The SEA notices me doing it, and tries to talk me out of it.
We have a cool little interaction, and I decide to stop taking the windows off. Right after we start talking, the MPs find me, and brig me.
There I talk with them about what happened, it ends with me getting put into brig for resisting arrest (as I had ran away from the MPs earlier).

so, TLDR:
-I never did something “for no discernible reason”.
-I did RP with MPs and the SEA, the only reason why the CL didnt see it was beacuse he was shooting me on sight.
-I started taking the windows out after I got shot by the CL multiple times while I was incapacitated on the ground.
-The only thing I did to CLs office was taking out a few windows. I didnt deconstruct it entirely, as the report implies, and I threw all the glass from the windows back into the office.

Accusing me of violating rule 2 while magdumping someone laying on the ground, who is cuffed and getting handled by MPs, not once, but twice, is frankly just silly.
Rule 4 too. Im not sure taking out a few windows out of a room that has its shutters closed half of the time should be considered griefing, especially since I gave you the glass back.
Not to mention getting shot by someone that room belongs to is a perfectly valid reason to do so.


A note: Only two electropistol magazines were fully used across the entirety of the round, unless another person made use of the weapon itself, and at no point were you magdumped with an entire one while handcuffed - I emptied four shots the final time an MP actually got cuffs onto you to ensure you stayed on the ground while being handcuffed.


Commenting on this because I saw part of this as a medic.

I was in the hallway with the CMP and the Liasion. The CMP actively ignored the Liasion being assaulted and having his briefcase taken, right next to the ladder to lower medical.
Dawson never mag dumped the Caden in cuffs because the CMP never PUT them in cuffs during the incident I observed. The CMP was confused on the rules of escalation (Level 2 is non lethal ranged, including the STUN pistol), and was lecturing the Liasion, and allowing Caden to keep doing this.

I did not see Caden try to engage in RP with the CMP, and merely kept assaulting the Liasion and trying to take his briefcase.

That’s all I have to say!

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Hi, sorry about the wait.

I’ll try to have this handled in at least 6 hours or at worst by tomorrow.


Hi, apologies for the delay - I came down a little bit sick and had to wait until after the weekend to get well.

Looking over the logs I can definitely understand why Caden would have a reason to dislike your character given that Weyland-Yutani was effectively forcing deployed marines to pay for healthcare and for basic equipment like medicine, especially with how your character outright says that it’s ‘about time’ and that you support these changes and are telling MPs to enforce it.

Caden did talk to others aboard the vessel, even if not directly to you; and, while I understand your frustration at being antagonized/menaced throughout the round, they most definitely held back in terms of what they could have done overall if they wished to do so. For that reason, I don’t think they were going after you in an attempt to grief you; and, while I get how it can appear to have no roleplay behind it, given the nature of the event it does make it somewhat more excusable.

I’m going to be denying this report given the information I have access too.